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f-Strings | Strings
Introduction to Python | Mobile-Friendly
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Introduction to Python | Mobile-Friendly

Introduction to Python | Mobile-Friendly

1. Python Basics
2. Variables
3. Strings


In the last challenge, you output a message by passing necessary variables as string parts. Concatenation is a good approach, but wouldn't it be easier to pass variables within a string pattern, as if you’re completing a puzzle?

Python provides us with such functionality. The approach is called f-strings. To use a variable value inside the string, place the f letter to the left of the opening quotes and pass the variable's name within curly brackets {} inside the string. For example, let's output the message 'Player Alex has level 16', where Alex and 16 are stored in variables.

As you can see, you shouldn't worry about using strings and numerical values simultaneously with this approach.

Using the same variables as in the previous chapter-challenge (name and age), output the same message as before ("name is age y.o.").

Fill in the blanks to complete the task.

# Variables
name = "Jim"
age = 34

# Output the message
print("{} is {} y.o.")
Jim is 34 y.o.

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