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Syntax | Basic Concepts
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Introduction to JavaScript


JavaScript follows a default syntax with parentheses, curly brackets, and semicolons.

Let's create a simple program and delve into its syntax. In JavaScript, you don't need to define a main function as required in languages like C, C++, Java, GoLang, etc. You can directly write your code:

In the example above, we've crafted a program that uses the console.log() method to print Hello, user! to the console.

Now, let's break down the syntax:

  • To begin, we employ the console.log() method. This method serves the purpose of printing values in the console;
  • Following that, we place "Hello, user!" within this method, enclosed in parentheses ();
  • The quotes (" or ') serve as indicators to JavaScript, signifying that Hello, user! is plain text and not a function or any other program-related keyword;
  • Lastly, the semicolon (;) functions as the command terminator, marking the conclusion of a command.

A program comprises a series of commands. If you intend to print text multiple times, you can utilize the semicolon ; to signal the end of each command:

In the example above, the semicolon ; serves as the separator for the three commands in our code:

  • The first command is console.log("Command 1") followed by ; (indicating the end of this command);
  • Subsequent commands are structured similarly.
1. What is the purpose of the `console.log()` method?
2. Why do we use quotes (" or ') around text like "Hello, user!"?

What is the purpose of the console.log() method?

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Why do we use quotes (" or ') around text like "Hello, user!"?

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Introduction to JavaScript


JavaScript follows a default syntax with parentheses, curly brackets, and semicolons.

Let's create a simple program and delve into its syntax. In JavaScript, you don't need to define a main function as required in languages like C, C++, Java, GoLang, etc. You can directly write your code:

In the example above, we've crafted a program that uses the console.log() method to print Hello, user! to the console.

Now, let's break down the syntax:

  • To begin, we employ the console.log() method. This method serves the purpose of printing values in the console;
  • Following that, we place "Hello, user!" within this method, enclosed in parentheses ();
  • The quotes (" or ') serve as indicators to JavaScript, signifying that Hello, user! is plain text and not a function or any other program-related keyword;
  • Lastly, the semicolon (;) functions as the command terminator, marking the conclusion of a command.

A program comprises a series of commands. If you intend to print text multiple times, you can utilize the semicolon ; to signal the end of each command:

In the example above, the semicolon ; serves as the separator for the three commands in our code:

  • The first command is console.log("Command 1") followed by ; (indicating the end of this command);
  • Subsequent commands are structured similarly.
1. What is the purpose of the `console.log()` method?
2. Why do we use quotes (" or ') around text like "Hello, user!"?

What is the purpose of the console.log() method?

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Why do we use quotes (" or ') around text like "Hello, user!"?

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