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Tailwind CSS for Web Development
Tailwind CSS for Web Development
Using Spacing Utilities for Margin and Padding
You're doing a fantastic job!
Proper spacing is crucial for creating visually appealing and well-structured layouts. Previously, we used margin and padding utility classes, but let's delve into them in more detail.
Margin utilities in Tailwind CSS allow you to control the spacing around elements. They can be applied using the m-
prefix, followed by a size value. You can apply margins to all sides, or specific sides (top, right, bottom, left) using the respective prefixes (mt-
, mr-
, mb-
, ml-
Margin Class | Description |
m-4 | Applies a margin of 1rem (16px) to all sides. |
mt-2 | Applies a margin of 0.5rem (8px) to the top side. |
mr-6 | Applies a margin of 1.5rem (24px) to the right side. |
mb-1 | Applies a margin of 0.25rem (4px) to the bottom side. |
ml-3 | Applies a margin of 0.75rem (12px) to the left side. |
Padding utilities in Tailwind CSS are similar to the margin utility classes, and the logic remains the same.
They can be applied using the p-
prefix, followed by a size value. You can apply padding to all sides, or specific sides (top, right, bottom, left) using the respective prefixes (pt-
, pr-
, pb-
, pl-
Padding Class | Description |
p-4 | Applies a padding of 1rem (16px) to all sides. |
pt-2 | Applies a padding of 0.5rem (8px) to the top side. |
pr-6 | Applies a padding of 1.5rem (24px) to the right side. |
pb-1 | Applies a padding of 0.25rem (4px) to the bottom side. |
pl-3 | Applies a padding of 0.75rem (12px) to the left side. |
Horizontal and Vertical Spacing
Additionally, we can apply margins/paddings to the horizontal (_x-
) or vertical (_y-
) axis.
Class | Description |
mx-4 | Applies a margin of 1rem (16px) to the left and right sides. |
my-4 | Applies a margin of 1rem (16px) to the top and bottom sides. |
px-4 | Applies a padding of 1rem (16px) to the left and right sides. |
py-4 | Applies a padding of 1rem (16px) to the top and bottom sides. |
1. Which class applies a margin of 1rem (16px) to all sides of an element?
2. How do you apply a padding of 0.5rem (8px) to the top side of an element?
3. What are the Tailwind CSS classes for applying a margin of 2rem (32px) to an element's top and bottom sides?
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