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Challenge: Comments in Go | Getting Started
course content

Зміст курсу

Introduction to GoLang

Challenge: Comments in GoChallenge: Comments in Go


Comment out the statement that should be shown and uncomment the statement that needs to be shown in the following code.



package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    //fmt.Println("This sentence should not be outputted")
    fmt.Println("This sentence should be outputted")

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Секція 1. Розділ 9
course content

Зміст курсу

Introduction to GoLang

Challenge: Comments in GoChallenge: Comments in Go


Comment out the statement that should be shown and uncomment the statement that needs to be shown in the following code.



package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    //fmt.Println("This sentence should not be outputted")
    fmt.Println("This sentence should be outputted")

Все було зрозуміло?

Секція 1. Розділ 9