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Console App: Guessing Game | Console Applications
Node.js Express: API & CLI Apps

Console App: Guessing GameConsole App: Guessing Game

In this chapter, get ready to level up your console application skills as we dive into the creation of an exciting 🎮 Guess the Number 🔢 game app. This interactive game will challenge players to exercise their intuition by guessing a randomly generated number within a predefined range. Along the way, we'll unravel the mysteries of fundamental concepts such as

  • 🎲 Random number generation;
  • ✅ Input validation;
  • 🤝 User interaction;
  • 💾 Even saving game results to a file.

🏆 Challenge Awaits

Imagine delving into an app that promises excitement and intrigue. Players are invited to guess a mysteriously chosen number within a predefined range. The app offers instant feedback on each guess and a meticulous tally of the attempts made.

This hands-on example is your chance to refine your skills in building CLI Apps and showcases the art of crafting interactive programs.

🚀 Resulting App

See the magic in action! Below is a GIF illustrating the exciting Guess the Number Game app that you'll be crafting:

Building a Guessing Game Console App

You're presented with two paths. The first option beckons you to embark on the journey without assistance, while the second offers a helpful guide to ensure your success. Whether you dive in boldly or follow the structured guide, you're in for a fascinating experience that will leave you with a functional and captivating console app.


👉 Step 1: Setup and Initializations; 👉 Step 2: Define Game Parameters; 👉 Step 3: Define Utility Functions; 👉 Step 4: Game Logic; 👉 Step 5: Save Game Result; 👉 Step 6: Start the Game; 🎉 Conclusion; 🏁 Full App Code.

Step 1: Setup and Initializations

Prepare the canvas by creating a new directory and a file named app.js. Within this file, we conjure the necessary modules:

Create a Readline interface:

Code Description
- readline: This is the Node.js built-in module that provides an interface for reading input and writing output to and from the console.
- readline.createInterface({ ... }): This method creates an instance of the readline.Interface class. It takes an object with two properties: input and output.
- input: process.stdin: This sets the input stream for the interface to the standard input process.stdin. This means the interface will read user input from the keyboard.
- output: process.stdout: This sets the output stream for the interface to the standard output process.stdout. This means the interface will write text to the console.

Explanation: We import the necessary modules: readline for user interaction and fs.promises for file operations. Then, we create a Readline interface named rl to handle input and output.

Step 2: Define Game Parameters

Set the minimum and maximum numbers:

Generate the secret number:

Code Description
- Math.random(): This function generates a random floating-point number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
- maxNumber - minNumber + 1: This calculates the range of possible numbers. Adding 1 to the difference between maxNumber and minNumber is necessary because we want to include both the minimum and maximum numbers in the possible range.
- Math.random() * (maxNumber - minNumber + 1): This expression produces a random number between 0 and the range of possible numbers.
- Math.floor(...): This function rounds down the floating-point result of the previous expression to the nearest integer. This ensures that the generated random number will be within the range of possible integers.
- ... + minNumber: After rounding down, the result is then added to minNumber to shift the range of possible numbers from starting at 0 to starting at minNumber.

Initialize the attempts counter:

Explanation: We define the range of numbers (minNumber and maxNumber) within which the secret number will be generated. The secret number is randomly generated using Math.random() and assigned to secretNumber. The attempts variable is initialized to keep track of the user's attempts.

Step 3: Define Utility Functions

Equip with a utility function for impeccable validation:

Code Description
- !isNaN(guess): The isNaN() function checks if the provided value is "Not-a-Number" (NaN). In this case, it's used to validate whether the guess is a valid numeric input. If guess is a valid number, the isNaN() function returns false, and the ! (logical NOT) operator negates it, resulting in true.
- guess >= minNumber: This condition checks whether the guess is greater than or equal to the minNumber. It ensures that the guess is within the lower bound of the valid range.
- guess <= maxNumber: This condition checks whether the guess is less than or equal to the maxNumber. It ensures that the guess is within the upper bound of the valid range.
- &&: The logical AND operator is used to combine all three conditions. All conditions must be true for the entire expression to be true.

Explanation: The isValidGuess function checks whether the user's guess is a valid number within the specified range (minNumber to maxNumber).

Step 4: Game Logic

The game's core mechanics through the playGame function:

Code Description
- rl.question(Guess a number between ${minNumber} and ${maxNumber}: , guess => { ... }): This line prompts the user to guess a number within the specified range using the rl.question() method. The user's response is passed as the guess argument to the provided callback function.
- if (isValidGuess(guess)) { ... }: This condition checks if the user's guess is valid using the isValidGuess function you defined earlier.
- attempts++;: This increments the attempts counter, tracking the number of guesses the player has made.
- const guessNumber = parseInt(guess);: This line converts the user's guess (which is a string) into an integer using parseInt().
- if (guessNumber === secretNumber) { ... } else if (guessNumber < secretNumber) { ... } else { ... }: These conditional statements provide feedback to the player based on their guess compared to the secretNumber.
    - If the player's guess matches the secretNumber, they've won. The game congratulates them, saves the result, closes the readline interface, and ends the game.
    - If the player's guess is less than the secretNumber, they're prompted to try a higher number, and the playGame() function is called recursively to allow the player to guess again.
    - If the player's guess is greater than the secretNumber, they're prompted to try a lower number, and the playGame() function is called recursively to allow the player to guess again.
- else { ... }: If the player's guess is not a valid number, they're informed to enter a valid number within the specified range, and the playGame() function is called recursively to prompt the player for another guess.

Explanation: The playGame function forms the core game loop. It uses rl.question to prompt the user for a guess. If the guess is valid, the function checks if the guess matches the secret number. If not, it provides feedback to the user and continues the game loop recursively.

Step 5: Save Game Result

Implement the logic of saving the user's game achievements into the game_results.txt file.

Code Description
- async function saveGameResult(result) { ... }: This defines an asynchronous function named saveGameResult that takes a result parameter. This function will use the await keyword to handle asynchronous operations within its body.
- try { ... } catch (err) { ... }: This is a try...catch block used to handle potential errors that might occur during the asynchronous operation.
- await fs.appendFile('game_results.txt', ${result}\n);: This line uses the await keyword to pause the execution of the function until the asynchronous operation is complete. It appends the provided result along with a newline character to the "game_results.txt" file using the fs.appendFile() method. The await keyword is used because fs.appendFile() returns a promise.
- console.log('Game result saved.');: If the appending of the result to the file is successful, this line logs a message indicating that the game result has been successfully saved.
- console.log('Failed to save game result.');: If an error occurs during the asynchronous operation (inside the try block), this line logs a message indicating that the attempt to save the game result has failed.

Explanation: The saveGameResult function uses fs.promises to append the game result to a file named game_results.txt. It provides feedback on the success or failure of saving the result.

Step 6: Start the Game

Create the welcome message and launch the game:

Explanation: We display a welcome message and start the game loop by calling the playGame function.

🎉 Conclusion: Victory Lap

By developing the Guess the Number Game App, you've gained valuable experience in designing interactive and engaging console applications. This example showcases the fusion of user input, random number generation, validation, and file manipulation, resulting in a compelling gaming experience.

👨‍💻 Full App Code

Code Description
Lines 1-2: Import the built-in readline module and the fs module's promises API, which provides asynchronous file system operations.
Lines 4-7: Create a readline interface named rl for reading from the console and writing to it.
Lines 9-10: Define the minimum and maximum numbers for the guessing range.
Lines 12-13: Generate a secret number within the specified range using Math.random() and adjust it according to the minimum and maximum values.
Line 14: Initialize the attempts counter to keep track of the number of guesses made.
Lines 16-18: Define a function named isValidGuess(guess) that checks if the provided guess is a valid number within the specified range.
Lines 20-47: Define a recursive function named playGame() that:
    - Prompts the user to guess a number within the specified range.
    - Validates the guess and takes appropriate actions based on the guess.
    - If the guess is correct, it congratulates the player, saves the game result, closes the readline interface, and ends the game.
    - If the guess is too low, it prompts the user to try a higher number and calls playGame() again.
    - If the guess is too high, it prompts the user to try a lower number and calls playGame() again.
    - If the guess is invalid, it informs the user and calls playGame() again.
Lines 49-56: Define an asynchronous function named saveGameResult(result) that appends the provided result to a text file named "game_results.txt". It handles both successful and failed attempts to save the result.
Line 58: Display a welcome message to the player.
Line 59: Start the game by calling the playGame() function.

In summary, this code implements a simple guessing game where the player has to guess a secret number within a specified range. The player is prompted to make guesses, and the game provides feedback based on the correctness of the guesses. The game also saves the result of each play in a text file named "game_results.txt". The interaction with the player is managed using the readline module, and the file saving is performed asynchronously using the fs module's promises API.

Все було зрозуміло?

Секція 2. Розділ 8

Node.js Express: API & CLI Apps

Console App: Guessing GameConsole App: Guessing Game

In this chapter, get ready to level up your console application skills as we dive into the creation of an exciting 🎮 Guess the Number 🔢 game app. This interactive game will challenge players to exercise their intuition by guessing a randomly generated number within a predefined range. Along the way, we'll unravel the mysteries of fundamental concepts such as

  • 🎲 Random number generation;
  • ✅ Input validation;
  • 🤝 User interaction;
  • 💾 Even saving game results to a file.

🏆 Challenge Awaits

Imagine delving into an app that promises excitement and intrigue. Players are invited to guess a mysteriously chosen number within a predefined range. The app offers instant feedback on each guess and a meticulous tally of the attempts made.

This hands-on example is your chance to refine your skills in building CLI Apps and showcases the art of crafting interactive programs.

🚀 Resulting App

See the magic in action! Below is a GIF illustrating the exciting Guess the Number Game app that you'll be crafting:

Building a Guessing Game Console App

You're presented with two paths. The first option beckons you to embark on the journey without assistance, while the second offers a helpful guide to ensure your success. Whether you dive in boldly or follow the structured guide, you're in for a fascinating experience that will leave you with a functional and captivating console app.


👉 Step 1: Setup and Initializations; 👉 Step 2: Define Game Parameters; 👉 Step 3: Define Utility Functions; 👉 Step 4: Game Logic; 👉 Step 5: Save Game Result; 👉 Step 6: Start the Game; 🎉 Conclusion; 🏁 Full App Code.

Step 1: Setup and Initializations

Prepare the canvas by creating a new directory and a file named app.js. Within this file, we conjure the necessary modules:

Create a Readline interface:

Code Description
- readline: This is the Node.js built-in module that provides an interface for reading input and writing output to and from the console.
- readline.createInterface({ ... }): This method creates an instance of the readline.Interface class. It takes an object with two properties: input and output.
- input: process.stdin: This sets the input stream for the interface to the standard input process.stdin. This means the interface will read user input from the keyboard.
- output: process.stdout: This sets the output stream for the interface to the standard output process.stdout. This means the interface will write text to the console.

Explanation: We import the necessary modules: readline for user interaction and fs.promises for file operations. Then, we create a Readline interface named rl to handle input and output.

Step 2: Define Game Parameters

Set the minimum and maximum numbers:

Generate the secret number:

Code Description
- Math.random(): This function generates a random floating-point number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
- maxNumber - minNumber + 1: This calculates the range of possible numbers. Adding 1 to the difference between maxNumber and minNumber is necessary because we want to include both the minimum and maximum numbers in the possible range.
- Math.random() * (maxNumber - minNumber + 1): This expression produces a random number between 0 and the range of possible numbers.
- Math.floor(...): This function rounds down the floating-point result of the previous expression to the nearest integer. This ensures that the generated random number will be within the range of possible integers.
- ... + minNumber: After rounding down, the result is then added to minNumber to shift the range of possible numbers from starting at 0 to starting at minNumber.

Initialize the attempts counter:

Explanation: We define the range of numbers (minNumber and maxNumber) within which the secret number will be generated. The secret number is randomly generated using Math.random() and assigned to secretNumber. The attempts variable is initialized to keep track of the user's attempts.

Step 3: Define Utility Functions

Equip with a utility function for impeccable validation:

Code Description
- !isNaN(guess): The isNaN() function checks if the provided value is "Not-a-Number" (NaN). In this case, it's used to validate whether the guess is a valid numeric input. If guess is a valid number, the isNaN() function returns false, and the ! (logical NOT) operator negates it, resulting in true.
- guess >= minNumber: This condition checks whether the guess is greater than or equal to the minNumber. It ensures that the guess is within the lower bound of the valid range.
- guess <= maxNumber: This condition checks whether the guess is less than or equal to the maxNumber. It ensures that the guess is within the upper bound of the valid range.
- &&: The logical AND operator is used to combine all three conditions. All conditions must be true for the entire expression to be true.

Explanation: The isValidGuess function checks whether the user's guess is a valid number within the specified range (minNumber to maxNumber).

Step 4: Game Logic

The game's core mechanics through the playGame function:

Code Description
- rl.question(Guess a number between ${minNumber} and ${maxNumber}: , guess => { ... }): This line prompts the user to guess a number within the specified range using the rl.question() method. The user's response is passed as the guess argument to the provided callback function.
- if (isValidGuess(guess)) { ... }: This condition checks if the user's guess is valid using the isValidGuess function you defined earlier.
- attempts++;: This increments the attempts counter, tracking the number of guesses the player has made.
- const guessNumber = parseInt(guess);: This line converts the user's guess (which is a string) into an integer using parseInt().
- if (guessNumber === secretNumber) { ... } else if (guessNumber < secretNumber) { ... } else { ... }: These conditional statements provide feedback to the player based on their guess compared to the secretNumber.
    - If the player's guess matches the secretNumber, they've won. The game congratulates them, saves the result, closes the readline interface, and ends the game.
    - If the player's guess is less than the secretNumber, they're prompted to try a higher number, and the playGame() function is called recursively to allow the player to guess again.
    - If the player's guess is greater than the secretNumber, they're prompted to try a lower number, and the playGame() function is called recursively to allow the player to guess again.
- else { ... }: If the player's guess is not a valid number, they're informed to enter a valid number within the specified range, and the playGame() function is called recursively to prompt the player for another guess.

Explanation: The playGame function forms the core game loop. It uses rl.question to prompt the user for a guess. If the guess is valid, the function checks if the guess matches the secret number. If not, it provides feedback to the user and continues the game loop recursively.

Step 5: Save Game Result

Implement the logic of saving the user's game achievements into the game_results.txt file.

Code Description
- async function saveGameResult(result) { ... }: This defines an asynchronous function named saveGameResult that takes a result parameter. This function will use the await keyword to handle asynchronous operations within its body.
- try { ... } catch (err) { ... }: This is a try...catch block used to handle potential errors that might occur during the asynchronous operation.
- await fs.appendFile('game_results.txt', ${result}\n);: This line uses the await keyword to pause the execution of the function until the asynchronous operation is complete. It appends the provided result along with a newline character to the "game_results.txt" file using the fs.appendFile() method. The await keyword is used because fs.appendFile() returns a promise.
- console.log('Game result saved.');: If the appending of the result to the file is successful, this line logs a message indicating that the game result has been successfully saved.
- console.log('Failed to save game result.');: If an error occurs during the asynchronous operation (inside the try block), this line logs a message indicating that the attempt to save the game result has failed.

Explanation: The saveGameResult function uses fs.promises to append the game result to a file named game_results.txt. It provides feedback on the success or failure of saving the result.

Step 6: Start the Game

Create the welcome message and launch the game:

Explanation: We display a welcome message and start the game loop by calling the playGame function.

🎉 Conclusion: Victory Lap

By developing the Guess the Number Game App, you've gained valuable experience in designing interactive and engaging console applications. This example showcases the fusion of user input, random number generation, validation, and file manipulation, resulting in a compelling gaming experience.

👨‍💻 Full App Code

Code Description
Lines 1-2: Import the built-in readline module and the fs module's promises API, which provides asynchronous file system operations.
Lines 4-7: Create a readline interface named rl for reading from the console and writing to it.
Lines 9-10: Define the minimum and maximum numbers for the guessing range.
Lines 12-13: Generate a secret number within the specified range using Math.random() and adjust it according to the minimum and maximum values.
Line 14: Initialize the attempts counter to keep track of the number of guesses made.
Lines 16-18: Define a function named isValidGuess(guess) that checks if the provided guess is a valid number within the specified range.
Lines 20-47: Define a recursive function named playGame() that:
    - Prompts the user to guess a number within the specified range.
    - Validates the guess and takes appropriate actions based on the guess.
    - If the guess is correct, it congratulates the player, saves the game result, closes the readline interface, and ends the game.
    - If the guess is too low, it prompts the user to try a higher number and calls playGame() again.
    - If the guess is too high, it prompts the user to try a lower number and calls playGame() again.
    - If the guess is invalid, it informs the user and calls playGame() again.
Lines 49-56: Define an asynchronous function named saveGameResult(result) that appends the provided result to a text file named "game_results.txt". It handles both successful and failed attempts to save the result.
Line 58: Display a welcome message to the player.
Line 59: Start the game by calling the playGame() function.

In summary, this code implements a simple guessing game where the player has to guess a secret number within a specified range. The player is prompted to make guesses, and the game provides feedback based on the correctness of the guesses. The game also saves the result of each play in a text file named "game_results.txt". The interaction with the player is managed using the readline module, and the file saving is performed asynchronously using the fs module's promises API.

Все було зрозуміло?

Секція 2. Розділ 8