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ScrollView Component | Basic Concepts
Foundations of React Native

ScrollView ComponentScrollView Component


The ScrollView component creates a scrollable view with a flexible height. It's particularly useful when you have content that exceeds the available space on the screen.

Why Use ScrollView

  • Scrolling Content: Allows you to create a container that can be scrolled vertically or horizontally to view its content;
  • Handling Overflow: Useful when the content inside a view is too large to fit on the screen.

Working with ScrollView

  • Wrap the content we want to make scrollable inside the ScrollView component;
  • The contentContainerStyle prop is used to style the content inside the scroll view;
  • We can change the default vertical scroll behavior to horizontal by providing the prop horizontal.


Code Description
  • Line 2: Import ScrollView from react-native.
  • Line 7: Wraps the Text components and provides a scrollable view. The contentContainerStyle prop is used to apply styles to the content inside the ScrollView.


In Practice

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Foundations of React Native

ScrollView ComponentScrollView Component


The ScrollView component creates a scrollable view with a flexible height. It's particularly useful when you have content that exceeds the available space on the screen.

Why Use ScrollView

  • Scrolling Content: Allows you to create a container that can be scrolled vertically or horizontally to view its content;
  • Handling Overflow: Useful when the content inside a view is too large to fit on the screen.

Working with ScrollView

  • Wrap the content we want to make scrollable inside the ScrollView component;
  • The contentContainerStyle prop is used to style the content inside the scroll view;
  • We can change the default vertical scroll behavior to horizontal by providing the prop horizontal.


Code Description
  • Line 2: Import ScrollView from react-native.
  • Line 7: Wraps the Text components and provides a scrollable view. The contentContainerStyle prop is used to apply styles to the content inside the ScrollView.


In Practice

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