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Read Operations | CRUD Operations
Django: Build Your First Website

Read OperationsRead Operations

In this chapter, we'll start fetching records from the database and displaying them on the user's page.

Code Explanation

AppFolder \
  1. from .models import Note: Imports the Note model from the current Django application. Models in Django are classes that describe the structure of database tables;
  2. def read_content(request):: Defines the read_content function, which will handle HTTP requests. The function takes a request object containing information about the client's request;
  3. all_notes = Note.objects.all(): Utilizes Django's Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) to query the database and retrieve all objects of the Note model`;
  4. return HttpResponse(all_notes): We are sending information to the HTML template.
AppFolder \

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Django: Build Your First Website

Read OperationsRead Operations

In this chapter, we'll start fetching records from the database and displaying them on the user's page.

Code Explanation

AppFolder \
  1. from .models import Note: Imports the Note model from the current Django application. Models in Django are classes that describe the structure of database tables;
  2. def read_content(request):: Defines the read_content function, which will handle HTTP requests. The function takes a request object containing information about the client's request;
  3. all_notes = Note.objects.all(): Utilizes Django's Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) to query the database and retrieve all objects of the Note model`;
  4. return HttpResponse(all_notes): We are sending information to the HTML template.
AppFolder \

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Секція 4. Розділ 2