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Learn Managing Margins and Padding | Basic Concepts
Bootstrap Essentials for Modern Websites
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Course Content

Bootstrap Essentials for Modern Websites

Bootstrap Essentials for Modern Websites

1. Understanding Bootstrap
2. Setting Up Environment
3. Basic Concepts
4. Advanced Concepts
5. Creating a Portfolio Website with Bootstrap

Managing Margins and Padding


Margins in CSS control the space between elements and the outer edges of their containers. In Bootstrap, margins can be easily adjusted using utility classes, eliminating the need for custom CSS.

Margin Classes

Bootstrap provides a set of margin utility classes following a consistent naming convention:

{side} can be:

{size} can be:





Paddings in CSS determine the space between the content of an element and its borders. In Bootstrap, developers can easily control padding using utility classes, which helps maintain consistent spacing throughout the layout without needing custom CSS.

Padding Classes

Bootstrap provides a set of padding utility classes following a consistent naming convention:

The variations for {side} and {size} are identical to those for margin.




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