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Learn Simple Formulas and Calculations | Basic Formulas
Excel Formulas
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Excel Formulas

Excel Formulas

1. Basic Formulas
2. Array Formulas
3. Lookup and Reference

Simple Formulas and Calculations

Formula input can convert exprressions and give their results. It supports most of the common ones that comes to mind like:

=3 + 3
Adds two numbers
=5 - 2
Subtracts one number from another
=6 * 5
Multiplies two numbers
=9 / 7
Divides one number by another
=2 ^ 2
Raises a number to a power

And sure, you can combine them to create more complex expressions. Excel will handle all calculations for you, with or without parentheses. For example:

But remember, this is Excel, not a calculator app. We can gain its full potential by using cell references instead of literal values. For example, we can calculate the sum of values in a row using cell references. When the value in any cell changes, the sum will automatically update.

You should be careful and avoid using a cell to calculate a value for itself if it was already used in the calculation for the cell you want to update. This can lead to circular references and potentially incorrect results.


A circular reference error in Excel occurs when a formula refers back to its own cell, either directly or indirectly, causing an endless loop. This can happen when a formula includes the cell it is in as part of its calculation or when a series of formulas reference each other in a way that creates a loop.

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