This section provides an introduction to Django and its key concepts. It covers the explanation of Django as a web framework, the MVT architectural pattern it follows, and the steps to initialize a new project using Django. The section also includes instructions on running the server.
If you are ready to write your first HTML page on Django - now is the time. Here you can learn how to respond to web requests using the Python programming language.
If you already know how to build a database, then it's time to manipulate data from it. Django ORM is a tool that allows you to work with data from a database. Let's take a look at it, shall we?
The HTTP response as a string doesn't look good. It is worth correcting this by using DTL technology, which allows you to dynamically generate beautiful HTML pages and return them to the user.
You can learn how to answer requests in the previous sections but how to transfer information and process it? Passing data via HTTP request and retrieving is easy. You just have to figure it out, you can find help here.