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Aprenda Challenge: Extract Data with Object Destructuring | Advanced Object Manipulation Techniques
JavaScript Data Structures

Challenge: Extract Data with Object Destructuring


Create a script demonstrating object destructuring by extracting properties from the provided movie object and logging them. Specifically, construct a logging message that includes the person's name, producer, budget, and duration time.

const movie = {
name: "Going in Style",
producer: "Donald De Line",
duration: 96,
budget: "$25 million",

// Destructure properties from the `movie` object
const { ___, ___, ___, ___ } = movie;

// Use the extracted properties
console.log(`Name: ${___}`); // Movie name
console.log(`Producer: ${___}`); // Movie producer
console.log(`Duration: ${___} minutes`); // Movie duration time
console.log(`Budget: ${___}`); // Movie budget
const movie = { name: "Going in Style", producer: "Donald De Line", duration: 96, budget: "$25 million", }; // Destructure properties from the `movie` object const { ___, ___, ___, ___ } = movie; // Use the extracted properties console.log(`Name: ${___}`); // Movie name console.log(`Producer: ${___}`); // Movie producer console.log(`Duration: ${___} minutes`); // Movie duration time console.log(`Budget: ${___}`); // Movie budget

Expected output:

Name: Going in Style
Producer: Donald De Line
Duration: 96 minutes
Budget: $25 million
  1. Use object destructuring to extract the name, producer, duration, and budget properties from the movie object.
  2. Construct a sentence using the extracted properties to describe the movie.
const movie = {
name: "Going in Style",
producer: "Donald De Line",
duration: 96,
budget: "$25 million",

// Destructure properties from the `movie` object
const { name, producer, duration, budget } = movie;

// Use the extracted properties
console.log(`Name: ${name}`);
console.log(`Producer: ${producer}`);
console.log(`Duration: ${duration} minutes`);
console.log(`Budget: ${budget}`);
const movie = { name: "Going in Style", producer: "Donald De Line", duration: 96, budget: "$25 million", }; // Destructure properties from the `movie` object const { name, producer, duration, budget } = movie; // Use the extracted properties console.log(`Name: ${name}`); console.log(`Producer: ${producer}`); console.log(`Duration: ${duration} minutes`); console.log(`Budget: ${budget}`);

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Seção 3. Capítulo 8