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Conditional Statements | Control Structures
Introduction to GoLang

Conditional StatementsConditional Statements

Conditional Statements, also known as if-else statements, are used to execute a block of code based on a condition.

Conditions are represented by boolean expressions, which we briefly explored in the second section's "Booleans" chapter. To recall, a boolean expression is a combination of logical and/or comparison operations and may or may not include other operators.

A conditional statement uses if, else if, and else keywords. The syntax for writing a simple conditional statement is as follows:

If the value of the 'expression' in the parentheses is true, the code enclosed in the curly brackets is executed. Otherwise, it is ignored. Here is an example:



Since the expression 3 < 4 evaluates to true, the code inside the curly braces is executed. If we modify the expression to make it false, the Println statement won't be executed.



The following diagram shows the execution of the if-condition:

You can use the else keyword to specify code that should be executed when the condition is not met. The else statement does not require a boolean expression.



Here's how the execution flow unfolds when we use else in the condition:

Which keyword is used for writing an if statement in Go?

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Introduction to GoLang

Conditional StatementsConditional Statements

Conditional Statements, also known as if-else statements, are used to execute a block of code based on a condition.

Conditions are represented by boolean expressions, which we briefly explored in the second section's "Booleans" chapter. To recall, a boolean expression is a combination of logical and/or comparison operations and may or may not include other operators.

A conditional statement uses if, else if, and else keywords. The syntax for writing a simple conditional statement is as follows:

If the value of the 'expression' in the parentheses is true, the code enclosed in the curly brackets is executed. Otherwise, it is ignored. Here is an example:



Since the expression 3 < 4 evaluates to true, the code inside the curly braces is executed. If we modify the expression to make it false, the Println statement won't be executed.



The following diagram shows the execution of the if-condition:

You can use the else keyword to specify code that should be executed when the condition is not met. The else statement does not require a boolean expression.



Here's how the execution flow unfolds when we use else in the condition:

Which keyword is used for writing an if statement in Go?

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Seção 3. Capítulo 2