Dimensions and Measures
When connecting to your data, Tableau automatically classifies fields as either dimensions or measures, concepts that align closely with categorical and numerical data in data science and analytics:
- Measures: numeric fields representing quantitative data, such as sales or profit, which can be aggregated (e.g., summed, averaged);
- Dimensions: categorical fields, like product categories or regions, used to group, filter, and categorize data.
Understanding the distinction between measures and dimensions helps create meaningful visualizations while leveraging familiar analytical concepts.
Correcting Classification Errors
In Tableau, fields may sometimes be misclassified as dimensions or measures due to unexpected data types or incorrect interpretation of the field's meaning. To correct these misclassifications, follow these steps:
Right-click the field in the Data Pane;
Select the appropriate classification (dimension or measure).
By ensuring correct classifications, you can create accurate and meaningful visualizations.
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