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What is Polymorphism? | Polymorphism and Abstraction
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In-Depth Python OOP

What is Polymorphism?What is Polymorphism?

Polymorphism is one of the fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP). It refers to the ability of different classes to share the same attributes and methods while exhibiting different behaviors.

Let's consider an example of polymorphism:

The len() function exhibits different behaviors depending on the type of data it operates on. This example serves as a demonstration of polymorphism in action.

Polymorphism Implementation

To implement polymorphism, we can create classes that share the same attributes and methods:

Code Description
In the provided Python code, polymorphism is demonstrated through the usage of the info method in different classes: User, Admin, and Hacker.

Each class provides its own implementation of the info method specific to its role. The method takes a parameter some_value, and the behavior of the info method varies based on the class it belongs to. This ability of different classes to provide their own implementations of the same method is what constitutes polymorphism.

During the loop iteration, instances of User, Admin, and Hacker are stored in the list lst. When the loop is executed, it accesses the info method for each item in the list. The method executed for each item is based on the class it belongs to, resulting in different outputs for each role.

The User class prints "This is standard user." followed by some_value + 100. The Admin class prints "This is admin of this service." followed by some_value * 100. The Hacker class prints "This person can thief your data." followed by some_value * 0. This demonstrates how polymorphism allows us to treat different objects uniformly and call the same method on them, while their specific implementations are executed based on their individual class definitions.


Polymorphism in Python refers to the ability of objects to exhibit different behaviors while performing the same actions.

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Seção 4. Capítulo 1
course content

Conteúdo do Curso

In-Depth Python OOP

What is Polymorphism?What is Polymorphism?

Polymorphism is one of the fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP). It refers to the ability of different classes to share the same attributes and methods while exhibiting different behaviors.

Let's consider an example of polymorphism:

The len() function exhibits different behaviors depending on the type of data it operates on. This example serves as a demonstration of polymorphism in action.

Polymorphism Implementation

To implement polymorphism, we can create classes that share the same attributes and methods:

Code Description
In the provided Python code, polymorphism is demonstrated through the usage of the info method in different classes: User, Admin, and Hacker.

Each class provides its own implementation of the info method specific to its role. The method takes a parameter some_value, and the behavior of the info method varies based on the class it belongs to. This ability of different classes to provide their own implementations of the same method is what constitutes polymorphism.

During the loop iteration, instances of User, Admin, and Hacker are stored in the list lst. When the loop is executed, it accesses the info method for each item in the list. The method executed for each item is based on the class it belongs to, resulting in different outputs for each role.

The User class prints "This is standard user." followed by some_value + 100. The Admin class prints "This is admin of this service." followed by some_value * 100. The Hacker class prints "This person can thief your data." followed by some_value * 0. This demonstrates how polymorphism allows us to treat different objects uniformly and call the same method on them, while their specific implementations are executed based on their individual class definitions.


Polymorphism in Python refers to the ability of objects to exhibit different behaviors while performing the same actions.

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Seção 4. Capítulo 1