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Agile Methodology | Software Development Life Cycles
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Business Analysis Fundamentals

Agile MethodologyAgile Methodology

Agile is a flexible and iterative approach to software development that emphasizes collaboration, customer feedback, and incremental progress. It aims to deliver high-quality, more adaptive, and customer-centric software than traditional methodologies like Waterfall.

Key principles

  1. Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation: Agile prioritizes working closely with customers and stakeholders to understand their needs and adapt to changing requirements. It values customer feedback and satisfaction;
  2. Individuals and Interactions Over Processes and Tools: Agile places importance on the people involved in the project and their communication. It values collaboration, face-to-face interactions, and teamwork;
  3. Working Software Over Comprehensive Documentation: Agile values working software as the primary measure of progress. While documentation is important, it should not impede the development of functional software;
  4. Responding to Change Over Following a Plan: Agile embraces change and welcomes it as a way to improve the project's outcome. It emphasizes adaptability and the ability to respond to new information and requirements.
Aspect Waterfall Iterative Agile
Development Approach Sequential, with distinct phases performed in order. Incremental and repetitive, with frequent cycles of planning, designing, building, and testing. Flexible and adaptive, with a focus on collaboration and incremental progress.
Flexibility Low flexibility, changes are difficult and expensive to implement once a phase is completed. High flexibility, allows for changes and adaptations at the end of each iteration. High flexibility, welcomes changes and responds to evolving requirements.
Stakeholder Involvement Limited stakeholder involvement until the end of the project. Frequent stakeholder engagement through iterative reviews and feedback. Close collaboration with customers and stakeholders throughout the project.
Delivery Time Final product is delivered after all phases are complete, resulting in a longer delivery time. Deliveries are incremental, allowing users to benefit from partial functionality early in the project. Regular deliveries of functional software, providing value to users throughout the project.
Quality Assurance Rigorous testing is performed after development, potentially leading to lower quality if issues are discovered late. Frequent testing and refinement lead to potentially higher software quality. Continuous testing and integration practices enhance software quality.
Adaptability Best for projects with well-defined and stable requirements. Well-suited for projects with evolving or unclear requirements. Highly adaptable and suitable for projects with changing requirements.

What is the primary focus of the Agile methodology when it comes to delivering software to users?

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Business Analysis Fundamentals

Agile MethodologyAgile Methodology

Agile is a flexible and iterative approach to software development that emphasizes collaboration, customer feedback, and incremental progress. It aims to deliver high-quality, more adaptive, and customer-centric software than traditional methodologies like Waterfall.

Key principles

  1. Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation: Agile prioritizes working closely with customers and stakeholders to understand their needs and adapt to changing requirements. It values customer feedback and satisfaction;
  2. Individuals and Interactions Over Processes and Tools: Agile places importance on the people involved in the project and their communication. It values collaboration, face-to-face interactions, and teamwork;
  3. Working Software Over Comprehensive Documentation: Agile values working software as the primary measure of progress. While documentation is important, it should not impede the development of functional software;
  4. Responding to Change Over Following a Plan: Agile embraces change and welcomes it as a way to improve the project's outcome. It emphasizes adaptability and the ability to respond to new information and requirements.
Aspect Waterfall Iterative Agile
Development Approach Sequential, with distinct phases performed in order. Incremental and repetitive, with frequent cycles of planning, designing, building, and testing. Flexible and adaptive, with a focus on collaboration and incremental progress.
Flexibility Low flexibility, changes are difficult and expensive to implement once a phase is completed. High flexibility, allows for changes and adaptations at the end of each iteration. High flexibility, welcomes changes and responds to evolving requirements.
Stakeholder Involvement Limited stakeholder involvement until the end of the project. Frequent stakeholder engagement through iterative reviews and feedback. Close collaboration with customers and stakeholders throughout the project.
Delivery Time Final product is delivered after all phases are complete, resulting in a longer delivery time. Deliveries are incremental, allowing users to benefit from partial functionality early in the project. Regular deliveries of functional software, providing value to users throughout the project.
Quality Assurance Rigorous testing is performed after development, potentially leading to lower quality if issues are discovered late. Frequent testing and refinement lead to potentially higher software quality. Continuous testing and integration practices enhance software quality.
Adaptability Best for projects with well-defined and stable requirements. Well-suited for projects with evolving or unclear requirements. Highly adaptable and suitable for projects with changing requirements.

What is the primary focus of the Agile methodology when it comes to delivering software to users?

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