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Python for Data Science: Job Change

Model EvaluationModel Evaluation

Now that we have trained our Logistic Regression algorithm, the next step is to assess the performance. We will compare the true y values with the predicted ones.

Methods description

  • sklearn.metrics: This module from scikit-learn (sklearn) contains various metrics for evaluating machine learning models. It provides functions to assess the performance of classification, regression, and clustering algorithms;
  • accuracy_score: This is a method within the metrics module used to calculate the accuracy of classification models. It compares the predicted labels (y_pred) with the true labels (y_test) and returns the ratio of correctly classified samples to the total number of samples. In other words, it measures the proportion of correctly predicted outcomes.


  1. Import accuracy_score from sklearn.metrics;
  2. Pass y_test and y_pred to the scoring function.

Congratulations on building your first ML Pipeline. In this project, you have learned how to:

  1. Import your Data;
  2. Visually inspect it;
  3. Preprocess it (clean and impute it);
  4. Train and evaluate your ML algorithm.

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Section 1. Chapter 7