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Adding Content | Building the Blog Website
AI Powered Coding

Adding ContentAdding Content


Since our website has the correct structure and some styling suitable for the current state, let's fill it with content. How can we do it? We have two options:

  • Write articles by ourselves and share our own experiences and knowledge;
  • Write articles with the help of ChatGPT.

We will create articles using ChatGPT. We plan to generate two articles on "Health" and another article dedicated to the "Environment" topic.

We will generate articles in the other chat to differentiate ChatGPT from different requests. One chat will be kept for website generation, while another will be used for article generation.

Possible Prompt

Please generate a 150-word article with a heading, two paragraphs, and a focus on 'Health' topic. The article should provide informative and concise content that covers related aspects of health, such as wellness, nutrition, or disease prevention. Ensure the text is well-structured, easy to understand, and free of errors. Please use a neutral tone and include relevant transitions to connect the ideas between paragraphs. The article should be written in a formal tone, suitable for a general audience. Provide a heading that captures the essence of the article, and ensure the paragraphs are concise and flow smoothly.


We have completed the prompt for all three articles, and here are the results we have obtained. Please note that we have changed the topics presented on our website and the content of the articles.







Website State

Video Tutorial

Everything was clear?

Section 4. Chapter 4
course content

Course Content

AI Powered Coding

Adding ContentAdding Content


Since our website has the correct structure and some styling suitable for the current state, let's fill it with content. How can we do it? We have two options:

  • Write articles by ourselves and share our own experiences and knowledge;
  • Write articles with the help of ChatGPT.

We will create articles using ChatGPT. We plan to generate two articles on "Health" and another article dedicated to the "Environment" topic.

We will generate articles in the other chat to differentiate ChatGPT from different requests. One chat will be kept for website generation, while another will be used for article generation.

Possible Prompt

Please generate a 150-word article with a heading, two paragraphs, and a focus on 'Health' topic. The article should provide informative and concise content that covers related aspects of health, such as wellness, nutrition, or disease prevention. Ensure the text is well-structured, easy to understand, and free of errors. Please use a neutral tone and include relevant transitions to connect the ideas between paragraphs. The article should be written in a formal tone, suitable for a general audience. Provide a heading that captures the essence of the article, and ensure the paragraphs are concise and flow smoothly.


We have completed the prompt for all three articles, and here are the results we have obtained. Please note that we have changed the topics presented on our website and the content of the articles.







Website State

Video Tutorial

Everything was clear?

Section 4. Chapter 4