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Learn Building a Common Layout Component | Building Pages and Layouts in Next.js
Next.js 14 Mastery for Building Modern Web Apps
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Course Content

Next.js 14 Mastery for Building Modern Web Apps

Next.js 14 Mastery for Building Modern Web Apps

1. Introduction to Next.js
2. Setting Up a Next.js Project
3. Building Pages and Layouts in Next.js
4. Deploying a Next.js App and Setting Up a Database
5. Fetching and Displaying Data in Next.js
6. Advanced Next.js Features and Optimizations
7. Implementing Authentication in Next.js

Building a Common Layout Component

Let's design a layout for the entire app. In this scenario, we'll create a component that aids in navigating through the app's pages and also provides the option to log out (more on authorization in upcoming chapters).

Back to the Project

Now, let's generate a layout.tsx for the dashboard. Within the /dashboard folder, introduce a new file named layout.tsx and insert the following code:

In this code, a few key actions are happening. Let's take a closer look:

  • We are bringing in the <SideNav /> component and making it part of our layout. Any components we import here become part of the overall page design;
  • The <Layout /> component has a children prop. This "child" can be either a page or another layout. Specifically, the pages located in /dashboard will be automatically placed within a <Layout />.

Now, attempt to follow the link http://localhost:3000/dashboard and navigate between the dashboard and the invoices page.

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Section 3. Chapter 3
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