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Tailwind Styling | Basic Concepts
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Course Content

Next.js 14

Tailwind StylingTailwind Styling

Tailwind CSS is a CSS framework that offers a collection of low-level utility classes. These classes can be added directly to your markup to create designs without writing CSS code from scratch. The key idea behind Tailwind is that by simply adding the appropriate set of classes, you can apply the required styles to your elements.

For example:

The button element will have a green background with white text. It will also have padding and rounded corners.

Don't worry if you're using Tailwind for the first time.
1. Most of the styles are predefined;
2. You'll quickly become familiar with it since it's intuitively understandable.

Back to the Project

Let's add one more element to our app with Tailwind styling. Copy the div element below and paste it above the p element in the app/page.tsx file.


After making the changes, save them and check the live page. You should now see a white circular shape.

In Practice

Everything was clear?

Section 2. Chapter 5
course content

Course Content

Next.js 14

Tailwind StylingTailwind Styling

Tailwind CSS is a CSS framework that offers a collection of low-level utility classes. These classes can be added directly to your markup to create designs without writing CSS code from scratch. The key idea behind Tailwind is that by simply adding the appropriate set of classes, you can apply the required styles to your elements.

For example:

The button element will have a green background with white text. It will also have padding and rounded corners.

Don't worry if you're using Tailwind for the first time.
1. Most of the styles are predefined;
2. You'll quickly become familiar with it since it's intuitively understandable.

Back to the Project

Let's add one more element to our app with Tailwind styling. Copy the div element below and paste it above the p element in the app/page.tsx file.


After making the changes, save them and check the live page. You should now see a white circular shape.

In Practice

Everything was clear?

Section 2. Chapter 5