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String | List and String
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Course Content

Introduction to Dart



In Dart, string values can be represented using either single or double quotes. Single-line strings are represented using single or double quotes, while triple quotes are employed to represent multi-line strings.



Variable in String

In Dart, you can insert the value of a variable of any data type into the middle of a String.

Inserting variables into a String is essential for the following reasons:

  • Readability and Editing Convenience: It makes the code more understandable and user-friendly, especially when you need to incorporate variable values within a String. Instead of complex string concatenation, you can easily include them in the String using special syntax;
  • Error Avoidance: Using String interpolation helps prevent errors during string join and ensures the correct insertion of variable values, taking their data types into account;
  • Linguistic Flexibility: You can seamlessly combine text and variable values within strings, allowing for the creation of more dynamic and adaptable messages and strings.

These benefits enhance code clarity, reduce the likelihood of mistakes, and provide flexibility for creating engaging and comprehensible code.



  • age - Variable;
  • ${} - A construction that will allow inserting to string the value from a variable.

Everything was clear?

Section 4. Chapter 3
course content

Course Content

Introduction to Dart



In Dart, string values can be represented using either single or double quotes. Single-line strings are represented using single or double quotes, while triple quotes are employed to represent multi-line strings.



Variable in String

In Dart, you can insert the value of a variable of any data type into the middle of a String.

Inserting variables into a String is essential for the following reasons:

  • Readability and Editing Convenience: It makes the code more understandable and user-friendly, especially when you need to incorporate variable values within a String. Instead of complex string concatenation, you can easily include them in the String using special syntax;
  • Error Avoidance: Using String interpolation helps prevent errors during string join and ensures the correct insertion of variable values, taking their data types into account;
  • Linguistic Flexibility: You can seamlessly combine text and variable values within strings, allowing for the creation of more dynamic and adaptable messages and strings.

These benefits enhance code clarity, reduce the likelihood of mistakes, and provide flexibility for creating engaging and comprehensible code.



  • age - Variable;
  • ${} - A construction that will allow inserting to string the value from a variable.

Everything was clear?

Section 4. Chapter 3