Course Content
Introduction to Dart
Introduction to Dart
Introduction to Loops
A loop in Dart is a programming construct that allows us to repeatedly execute a code block until a specific condition is met.
Loops are used to automate repetitive tasks and work with data collections or perform a specific operation a certain number of times. Loops are essential to programming and enable efficient and structured handling of repetitive tasks.
Let's say we have a code fragment that needs to be executed ten times. There are two ways to achieve this:
- Copy and paste the code many times;
- Use a loop.
Consider an example code to see the first approach to solving the task.
void main() { print("Programming is interesting"); print("Programming is interesting"); print("Programming is interesting"); print("Programming is interesting"); print("Programming is interesting"); print("Programming is interesting"); print("Programming is interesting"); print("Programming is interesting"); print("Programming is interesting"); print("Programming is interesting"); }
As we can see, we have completed the task and displayed the text on the screen ten times. But what if the task is to display the text on the screen a thousand times or even a million times? In such cases, we can use a for
void main() { for(int i = 0; i < 10; i=i+1){ print("Programming is interesting"); } }
As you can see, with just three lines of code, we displayed the information on the screen ten times.
In the upcoming chapters, we will delve into these complex commands and symbols in detail. In reality, everything is often simpler than it may appear.
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