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СAC 1/2 | Becoming an Analyst
Introduction to Python for Data Analysis
course content

Course Content

Introduction to Python for Data Analysis

Introduction to Python for Data Analysis

1. Introduction to Python 1/2
2. Introduction to Python 2/2
3. Explore Dataset
4. Becoming an Analyst

bookСAC 1/2

Customer Acquisition Cost, or CAC, measures how much an the the organization spends to acquire new customers. CAC – an important business metric – is the total cost of sales and marketing efforts, as well as property or equipment needed to convince a customer to buy a product or service.

Look at the formula of the CAC:

If you look at the DataFrame we have, we make the following points:

  • We do have expenses in our DF - 'cost' column
  • We also have the number of customers - the number of unique 'customer_id' notes in the DF.

So, we are ready to count the CAC!

Choose the right formula to count the CAC metric. X - the number of new customers, Y - the number of old customers, Z - expenses.

Choose the right formula to count the CAC metric. X - the number of new customers, Y - the number of old customers, Z - expenses.

Select the correct answer

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Section 4. Chapter 4