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Learn .loc Function | Explore Dataset
Introduction to Python for Data Analysis
course content

Course Content

Introduction to Python for Data Analysis

Introduction to Python for Data Analysis

1. Introduction to Python 1/2
2. Introduction to Python 2/2
3. Explore Dataset
4. Becoming an Analyst

.loc Function

Pandas allows you to set specific conditions on the dataset without an if/else statement and loops. Look at the syntax:

  • DataFrame.loc[DataFrame['job_title'] == 'Data Scientist'].count()

So inside the .loc[] function, you just put the condition you need. Here you compare if 'job_title' is equal to 'Data Scientist'.

It compares each value of 'job_title' to the 'Data Scientist' string.

The ways of creating such conditions are the same as for if statements; you can use >, <, >=, =<, == with the same meaning.


Here, output data about users that continued the subscription after the trial period (trial is True).

DataFrame = DataFrame.[]

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