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Booleans | Data Types
Introduction to GoLang


Booleans are an essential data type used to represent truth values (true or false) in logical expressions.

A boolean is denoted by the keyword bool and can have either the value true or false.



The default value of a boolean is false.

Booleans become especially useful when we need to store the results of logical expressions. Logical expressions are constructed using logical and/or comparison operators.

While logical operators and expressions will be explored in detail in the next section, here's a brief introduction to the three comparison operators in Go:

<Less Than
>Greater Than
==Equals To

Here's a simple example of how the result of a logical expression is stored in a boolean:



What will be the output of the above program?

Select the correct answer

Everything was clear?

Section 2. Chapter 3
course content

Course Content

Introduction to GoLang


Booleans are an essential data type used to represent truth values (true or false) in logical expressions.

A boolean is denoted by the keyword bool and can have either the value true or false.



The default value of a boolean is false.

Booleans become especially useful when we need to store the results of logical expressions. Logical expressions are constructed using logical and/or comparison operators.

While logical operators and expressions will be explored in detail in the next section, here's a brief introduction to the three comparison operators in Go:

<Less Than
>Greater Than
==Equals To

Here's a simple example of how the result of a logical expression is stored in a boolean:



What will be the output of the above program?

Select the correct answer

Everything was clear?

Section 2. Chapter 3