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Learn Final | More Effects
Adobe After Effects Basics
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Course Content

Adobe After Effects Basics

Adobe After Effects Basics

1. Introduction to Adobe After Effects
2. Basics of Animation
3. More Effects


Congratulations on making it to the final chapter of this After Effects course!

Let's take a moment to recap what we've learned so far.

We began by familiarizing ourselves with the interface, learning how to set up projects, navigate through panels, and customize our workspace. Understanding the project structure and organizing files efficiently helped streamline our workflow, especially as projects became more complex.

Then we dove into the heart of animation, starting with shape layers, versatile containers that hold paths, strokes, and fills. We also explored the basics of keyframes, learning to animate essential properties like Position, Scale, Rotation, and Opacity – the building blocks for creating dynamic animations.

We delved into key animation principles, such as Squash and Stretch, Anticipation, and Exaggeration, which bring life and realism to your animations. These techniques elevate your work to a more professional level.

One of the exciting features we explored was Keylight for green screen keying, where we removed backgrounds and enhanced compositions.

Finally, we learned how to create custom transitions, apply effects like Motion Tile, and animate text using advanced text tools — tying everything together to produce professional-looking animations.

But remember, this course is just the beginning. After Effects offers so much more, and we haven't yet covered advanced techniques like 3D layers, expressions, and advanced motion tracking. These are powerful tools that would be great to explore in an advanced course.

We hope this course has provided you with the confidence to create animations and motion graphics in After Effects. Keep experimenting, pushing your creativity, and exploring the endless possibilities this program offers.

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Section 3. Chapter 5
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