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Math in C++ | Introduction
C++ Data Types

Math in C++Math in C++

In addition to the +, -, *, /, and % operations, we can perform many more mathematical operations using functions from the <cmath> library. Here is a table of the most used ones:

Function Description Additional info
cos(x) Returns the cosinus of x x is specified in radians
sin(x) Returns the sinus of x x is specified in radians
tan(x) Returns the tangens of x x is specified in radians
exp(x) Returns the exponent of x returns eˣ
log(x) Returns the natural logarithm of x
pow(x, a) Returns x to the power of a
sqrt(x) Returns the square root of x
cbrt(x) Returns the cubic root of x
ceil(x) Rounds x up Example: ceil(5.2) is 6
floor(x) Rounds x down Example: floor(5.2) is 5
round(x) Rounds x to nearest Example: round(5.2) is 5

Don't forget to include the library using the following line:

Here is an example of using each of the functions mentioned above:




Constants M_PI and M_E for value of π (3.1415...) and e (2.7183...) are also defined in the <cmath> library.

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Seção 1. Capítulo 4
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C++ Data Types

Math in C++Math in C++

In addition to the +, -, *, /, and % operations, we can perform many more mathematical operations using functions from the <cmath> library. Here is a table of the most used ones:

Function Description Additional info
cos(x) Returns the cosinus of x x is specified in radians
sin(x) Returns the sinus of x x is specified in radians
tan(x) Returns the tangens of x x is specified in radians
exp(x) Returns the exponent of x returns eˣ
log(x) Returns the natural logarithm of x
pow(x, a) Returns x to the power of a
sqrt(x) Returns the square root of x
cbrt(x) Returns the cubic root of x
ceil(x) Rounds x up Example: ceil(5.2) is 6
floor(x) Rounds x down Example: floor(5.2) is 5
round(x) Rounds x to nearest Example: round(5.2) is 5

Don't forget to include the library using the following line:

Here is an example of using each of the functions mentioned above:




Constants M_PI and M_E for value of π (3.1415...) and e (2.7183...) are also defined in the <cmath> library.

Tudo estava claro?

Seção 1. Capítulo 4