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Routers | Views and Routers
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Зміст курсу

Django REST Framework



Step 1: Create the URLs file in App folder.

Step 2: Attach the file from the application folder to the file in the project folder.


What is Router ?

In DRF, you define routes for your API using the router class. This class provides a quick and convenient way to organize routes for your API. Typically, the DefaultRouter is used, which automatically generates routes for standard CRUD operations based on your views.

Here's an example of how you can use DefaultRouter:

Code Description
A string marked with the r character before it is what we call a "raw" string. This means that all characters in this string are treated as ordinary characters, even if they are typically used for special purposes. For example, if we have the string r'products', Python will interpret it simply as the string "products" and won't attempt to interpret `\` as a special character. In the context of Django Rest Framework routing, using a raw string helps avoid confusion with special characters that might appear in URL paths.

In this example, we're registering the ProductViewSet view for the /products route. DRF automatically generates routes for standard CRUD operations on this URL.

So, with the help of routers in DRF, you can easily organize routes for your API and automatically generate routes for your web service based on your views.

What is the purpose of using routers in Django Rest Framework (DRF)?

Виберіть правильну відповідь

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Секція 3. Розділ 4
course content

Зміст курсу

Django REST Framework



Step 1: Create the URLs file in App folder.

Step 2: Attach the file from the application folder to the file in the project folder.


What is Router ?

In DRF, you define routes for your API using the router class. This class provides a quick and convenient way to organize routes for your API. Typically, the DefaultRouter is used, which automatically generates routes for standard CRUD operations based on your views.

Here's an example of how you can use DefaultRouter:

Code Description
A string marked with the r character before it is what we call a "raw" string. This means that all characters in this string are treated as ordinary characters, even if they are typically used for special purposes. For example, if we have the string r'products', Python will interpret it simply as the string "products" and won't attempt to interpret `\` as a special character. In the context of Django Rest Framework routing, using a raw string helps avoid confusion with special characters that might appear in URL paths.

In this example, we're registering the ProductViewSet view for the /products route. DRF automatically generates routes for standard CRUD operations on this URL.

So, with the help of routers in DRF, you can easily organize routes for your API and automatically generate routes for your web service based on your views.

What is the purpose of using routers in Django Rest Framework (DRF)?

Виберіть правильну відповідь

Все було зрозуміло?

Секція 3. Розділ 4