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HTTP Response Status Codes | HTTP Request Methods
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Зміст курсу

Django REST Framework

HTTP Response Status CodesHTTP Response Status Codes

HTTP response status codes are standard codes returned by web servers in response to a client's request made to the server. These status codes provide information about the outcome of the request, indicating whether it was successful, encountered an error, or requires further action.

Status Code Range Description
100 – 199 Informational responses
200 – 299 Successful responses
300 – 399 Redirection messages
400 – 499 Client error responses
500 – 599 Server error responses

Why Use HTTP Response Status Codes Logs?

HTTP Response Status Codes logs can be utilized for:

  • Problem Detection: Logs aid in identifying which URLs on your website are generating errors;
  • Troubleshooting: Logs help understand the reasons for HTTP errors;
  • Performance Tracking: Logs are useful for tracking website performance and identifying potential issues that could impede its operation;
  • User Behavior Analysis: Logs can be used to analyze user interaction with your website, including visited pages and encountered errors.
Code Description
Status codes are part of the HTTP response sent by the server to the client after processing a request. They provide information about how the request was handled. Here's the interpretation of two of the most common status codes:

Status code 200: This means "OK". When the client receives a response with a status code of 200, it indicates that the request was successfully executed. This can be used for GET requests that successfully return the requested data. For example, if you request a webpage and it loads successfully, the server may send a status code 200;

Status code 404: This means "Not Found". When the client receives a response with a status code of 404, it indicates that the requested resource was not found on the server. For example, if you enter a URL in the browser and it returns a status code 404, it means that the resource does not exist on the server.

So, in short, status code 200 indicates a successful response, while status code 404 indicates that the requested resource was not found.

By default, Django logs to the console. You can start the Django test server using the command python runserver and see the logs in the console.

Which range of HTTP response status codes signifies successful responses?

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Секція 4. Розділ 3
course content

Зміст курсу

Django REST Framework

HTTP Response Status CodesHTTP Response Status Codes

HTTP response status codes are standard codes returned by web servers in response to a client's request made to the server. These status codes provide information about the outcome of the request, indicating whether it was successful, encountered an error, or requires further action.

Status Code Range Description
100 – 199 Informational responses
200 – 299 Successful responses
300 – 399 Redirection messages
400 – 499 Client error responses
500 – 599 Server error responses

Why Use HTTP Response Status Codes Logs?

HTTP Response Status Codes logs can be utilized for:

  • Problem Detection: Logs aid in identifying which URLs on your website are generating errors;
  • Troubleshooting: Logs help understand the reasons for HTTP errors;
  • Performance Tracking: Logs are useful for tracking website performance and identifying potential issues that could impede its operation;
  • User Behavior Analysis: Logs can be used to analyze user interaction with your website, including visited pages and encountered errors.
Code Description
Status codes are part of the HTTP response sent by the server to the client after processing a request. They provide information about how the request was handled. Here's the interpretation of two of the most common status codes:

Status code 200: This means "OK". When the client receives a response with a status code of 200, it indicates that the request was successfully executed. This can be used for GET requests that successfully return the requested data. For example, if you request a webpage and it loads successfully, the server may send a status code 200;

Status code 404: This means "Not Found". When the client receives a response with a status code of 404, it indicates that the requested resource was not found on the server. For example, if you enter a URL in the browser and it returns a status code 404, it means that the resource does not exist on the server.

So, in short, status code 200 indicates a successful response, while status code 404 indicates that the requested resource was not found.

By default, Django logs to the console. You can start the Django test server using the command python runserver and see the logs in the console.

Which range of HTTP response status codes signifies successful responses?

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Секція 4. Розділ 3