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Django REST Framework

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To successfully create a DRF (Django Rest Framework) project, execute the following commands sequentially in the terminal:

If the command above doesn't work, try inputting this pip3 install django.

If the command above doesn't work, try this pip3 install djangorestframework.

If the command above doesn't work, try this python3 startapp main.

Commands Description
pip install django: This command installs Django, a web framework for developing web applications using the Python programming language.

pip install djangorestframework: This command installs Django REST framework, an extension for Django that provides tools for developing RESTful APIs in Django-based applications.

django-admin startproject shop: This command creates a new Django project named "shop." A project is the fundamental structure of an application that brings together various components and configurations for web development.

cd shop: This command changes the directory to the "shop" project created with the previous command.

python startapp main: This command creates a new Django app named "main" within the "shop" project. An app is a standalone component with its own structure and functionality, which can be used for deploying specific features of a web application independently.
You can learn more about these commands and working with the terminal in detail here .

Django Settings

In Django settings, besides connecting our created app (main), we must also connect the Rest framework (rest_framework).

An example of the connection can be seen in the illustrations above.

Do I need to connect the Rest Framework in the Django project settings?

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Django REST Framework

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To successfully create a DRF (Django Rest Framework) project, execute the following commands sequentially in the terminal:

If the command above doesn't work, try inputting this pip3 install django.

If the command above doesn't work, try this pip3 install djangorestframework.

If the command above doesn't work, try this python3 startapp main.

Commands Description
pip install django: This command installs Django, a web framework for developing web applications using the Python programming language.

pip install djangorestframework: This command installs Django REST framework, an extension for Django that provides tools for developing RESTful APIs in Django-based applications.

django-admin startproject shop: This command creates a new Django project named "shop." A project is the fundamental structure of an application that brings together various components and configurations for web development.

cd shop: This command changes the directory to the "shop" project created with the previous command.

python startapp main: This command creates a new Django app named "main" within the "shop" project. An app is a standalone component with its own structure and functionality, which can be used for deploying specific features of a web application independently.
You can learn more about these commands and working with the terminal in detail here .

Django Settings

In Django settings, besides connecting our created app (main), we must also connect the Rest framework (rest_framework).

An example of the connection can be seen in the illustrations above.

Do I need to connect the Rest Framework in the Django project settings?

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