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Task - Reflection | Generics & Reflection
Advanced C# with .NET

Task - ReflectionTask - Reflection

The base program is given on the Github Repository. Clone the repository to begin solving the task.

In summary, Your task is to fill in the blanks where necessary to implement reflection.

The task is explained in the following video:

It is suggested to watch the solution video even if you successfully complete the task.
Hint 1: The GetProperties() method of the Typecode> class returns an array of all the public properties in a Type.
Hint 2: The GetProperty(propertyName)code> method of the Typecode> class returns a reference to a single property which matches the propertyName.
Hint 3: The SetValue(object, value) method of the PropertyInfo class sets the property value of the object to value.

using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.AccessControl;

namespace ObjectManagerTask
    class Product
        private static int Products = 0;

        private int ID { get; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public float Price { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }

        public int Quantity { get; set; }

        public Product()
            this.Name = "";
            this.Price = 0.0f;
            this.ID = Products++;
            this.Description = "";

    public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
        List<Product> products = new List<Product>();
        public MainPage()

            // Store the type of product class
            Type productType = typeof(Product);

            // Get all the properties of the Product class
            PropertyInfo[] properties = productType.GetProperties();

            // Loop through all the properties
            foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                Entry entryBox = new Entry();
                entryBox.Placeholder = property.Name;

            createBtn.Clicked += CreateProduct;

        void CreateProduct(object? sender, EventArgs e)
                Product product = new Product();

                // Store the type of product class
                Type productType = product.GetType();

                foreach (Entry entryBox in fields.Children)
                    // Get the property reference from the Product class, which has the same name as 'entryBox.Placeholder'.
                    // The exclamation mark ensures the compiler that the retrieved reference is not going to be null. 
                    // It is to suppress the warning.
                    PropertyInfo property = productType.GetProperty(entryBox.Placeholder)!;

                    object value = Convert.ChangeType(entryBox.Text, property.PropertyType);
                    property.SetValue(product, value);

                infoLabel.Text = $"ERROR: Invalid value in one of the fields.";

            infoLabel.Text = $"Product {products.Count} created successfully.";


        void UpdateProductsList()

            // Store the type of Product class
            Type productType = typeof(Product);

            foreach (Product product in products)
                Label dataLabel = new Label();

                // Retrieve all the properties of productType
                PropertyInfo[] properties = productType.GetProperties();

                // Loop through all the properties
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                    // Get the value of 'property' from the 'product' object.
                    // The exclamation mark is to suppress the compiler warning since we know that the property exists,
                    // and it cannot return null.
                    object value = property.GetValue(product)!;

                    dataLabel.Text += $"{property.Name}: {value.ToString()}\t";


        void ClearEntryBoxes()
            foreach (Entry entryBox in fields.Children)
                entryBox.Text = "";

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Advanced C# with .NET

Task - ReflectionTask - Reflection

The base program is given on the Github Repository. Clone the repository to begin solving the task.

In summary, Your task is to fill in the blanks where necessary to implement reflection.

The task is explained in the following video:

It is suggested to watch the solution video even if you successfully complete the task.
Hint 1: The GetProperties() method of the Typecode> class returns an array of all the public properties in a Type.
Hint 2: The GetProperty(propertyName)code> method of the Typecode> class returns a reference to a single property which matches the propertyName.
Hint 3: The SetValue(object, value) method of the PropertyInfo class sets the property value of the object to value.

using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.AccessControl;

namespace ObjectManagerTask
    class Product
        private static int Products = 0;

        private int ID { get; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public float Price { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }

        public int Quantity { get; set; }

        public Product()
            this.Name = "";
            this.Price = 0.0f;
            this.ID = Products++;
            this.Description = "";

    public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
        List<Product> products = new List<Product>();
        public MainPage()

            // Store the type of product class
            Type productType = typeof(Product);

            // Get all the properties of the Product class
            PropertyInfo[] properties = productType.GetProperties();

            // Loop through all the properties
            foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                Entry entryBox = new Entry();
                entryBox.Placeholder = property.Name;

            createBtn.Clicked += CreateProduct;

        void CreateProduct(object? sender, EventArgs e)
                Product product = new Product();

                // Store the type of product class
                Type productType = product.GetType();

                foreach (Entry entryBox in fields.Children)
                    // Get the property reference from the Product class, which has the same name as 'entryBox.Placeholder'.
                    // The exclamation mark ensures the compiler that the retrieved reference is not going to be null. 
                    // It is to suppress the warning.
                    PropertyInfo property = productType.GetProperty(entryBox.Placeholder)!;

                    object value = Convert.ChangeType(entryBox.Text, property.PropertyType);
                    property.SetValue(product, value);

                infoLabel.Text = $"ERROR: Invalid value in one of the fields.";

            infoLabel.Text = $"Product {products.Count} created successfully.";


        void UpdateProductsList()

            // Store the type of Product class
            Type productType = typeof(Product);

            foreach (Product product in products)
                Label dataLabel = new Label();

                // Retrieve all the properties of productType
                PropertyInfo[] properties = productType.GetProperties();

                // Loop through all the properties
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                    // Get the value of 'property' from the 'product' object.
                    // The exclamation mark is to suppress the compiler warning since we know that the property exists,
                    // and it cannot return null.
                    object value = property.GetValue(product)!;

                    dataLabel.Text += $"{property.Name}: {value.ToString()}\t";


        void ClearEntryBoxes()
            foreach (Entry entryBox in fields.Children)
                entryBox.Text = "";

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Секція 4. Розділ 8