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Task - Implementing a Generic Class | Generics & Reflection
Advanced C# with .NET

Task - Implementing a Generic ClassTask - Implementing a Generic Class

You can clone the base code from the GithHub Repository.

A stack is a special kind of data structure which stores data according to the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle. A stack has two main methods, namely, Push and Pop. The Push adds a new element to the stack, and Pop removes the most recently added element from the stack. You can imagine it like a stack of books, or any other item. By using Push you add a new item on the top, and by using Pop you remove the item at the top. This is the LIFO principle.

The program contains a class which implements the Stack data structure, however, it only supports integers. Make changes in the class code so that it is able to support any data type.

Hint: The syntax for creating a generic class is class className { /* class code here */ }.

namespace ConsoleApp
    internal class Program
        public class Stack<T>
            private List<T> items;

            public Stack()
                items = new List<T>();

            public void Push(T item)

            public T Pop()
                if (items.Count == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Stack is empty");

                T poppedItem = items[items.Count - 1];
                items.RemoveAt(items.Count - 1);
                return poppedItem;

            // Gets the last element, without removing it
            public T Peek()
                if (items.Count == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Stack is empty");

                return items[items.Count - 1];

            public int Count
                get { return items.Count; }

            public bool IsEmpty
                get { return items.Count == 0; }

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Stack<string> s1 = new Stack<string>();


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Advanced C# with .NET

Task - Implementing a Generic ClassTask - Implementing a Generic Class

You can clone the base code from the GithHub Repository.

A stack is a special kind of data structure which stores data according to the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle. A stack has two main methods, namely, Push and Pop. The Push adds a new element to the stack, and Pop removes the most recently added element from the stack. You can imagine it like a stack of books, or any other item. By using Push you add a new item on the top, and by using Pop you remove the item at the top. This is the LIFO principle.

The program contains a class which implements the Stack data structure, however, it only supports integers. Make changes in the class code so that it is able to support any data type.

Hint: The syntax for creating a generic class is class className { /* class code here */ }.

namespace ConsoleApp
    internal class Program
        public class Stack<T>
            private List<T> items;

            public Stack()
                items = new List<T>();

            public void Push(T item)

            public T Pop()
                if (items.Count == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Stack is empty");

                T poppedItem = items[items.Count - 1];
                items.RemoveAt(items.Count - 1);
                return poppedItem;

            // Gets the last element, without removing it
            public T Peek()
                if (items.Count == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Stack is empty");

                return items[items.Count - 1];

            public int Count
                get { return items.Count; }

            public bool IsEmpty
                get { return items.Count == 0; }

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Stack<string> s1 = new Stack<string>();


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