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Apprendre Data Study | Becoming an Analyst
Introduction to Python for Data Analysis
course content

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Introduction to Python for Data Analysis

Introduction to Python for Data Analysis

1. Introduction to Python 1/2
2. Introduction to Python 2/2
3. Explore Dataset
4. Becoming an Analyst

Data Study

In this section, we are going to practice using knowledge from previous sections.

We will find some essential product metrics that are used in Data Analysis:

  • CAC
  • The percentage of customers whose acquisition is more expensive than the money spent
  • The percentage of the organic traffic
  • How much money do we earn daily
  • ROI

Before starting this section, study the data we will work with.

Column nameData typeDescription
customer_idintUser unique number
costfloatHow much money do we spend for the user
money_spentfloatHow much money does the user spend
daystrThe weekday the payment was made
holidayboolIf the day of the payment was the holiday or not

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Section 4. Chapitre 1
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