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Server-Side Rendering (SSR) vs. Static-Site Generation (SSG)
Web DevelopmentFrontEnd Development

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) vs. Static-Site Generation (SSG)

Choosing the Right Approach for Your Next Project

Oleh Subotin

by Oleh Subotin

Full Stack Developer

Sep, 2024
7 min read


When building modern web applications, choosing the right rendering strategy is crucial for performance, SEO, and user experience. Two popular methods are Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static-Site Generation (SSG), both of which are widely supported by frameworks like Next.js and Nuxt.js. In this article, we'll explore the benefits and challenges of each approach and provide practical tips on when to choose SSR or SSG based on your project's needs.

What is Server-Side Rendering (SSR)?

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) refers to the process of generating HTML pages on the server for every request from the user. In SSR, the server dynamically compiles and delivers the content, rendering the latest data for each visit.

Benefits of SSRChallenges of SSR
Real-Time Data: Ideal for applications with frequently changing content or real-time data, such as e-commerce or dashboards.Increased Server Load: Requires the server to process a new HTML document for each page request, which can slow down under heavy traffic.
Improved SEO: Search engines can easily crawl SSR-rendered pages since the content is available when the page loads.Longer Build Times: Dynamic content generation can increase server-side processing time, affecting response during traffic spikes.
Faster First Load: Users receive a fully rendered page initially, enhancing performance for first-time visits and improving TTFB (Time to First Byte).Caching Complexity: Balancing dynamic content generation and performance optimization requires complex caching strategies, increasing development complexity.

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What is Static-Site Generation (SSG)?

Static-Site Generation (SSG) pre-generates the HTML pages at build time. These static pages are then served directly to users, meaning they do not require server-side rendering upon every request.

Benefits of SSGChallenges of SSG
Speed and Performance: Pre-built static files ensure incredibly fast page load times, ideal for content-driven websites with less frequent updates.Data Freshness: Since pages are generated at build time, real-time data changes aren't reflected, making it less suitable for constantly changing content.
Lower Server Costs: SSG reduces server load and hosting costs as no server processing is required for each request. Static sites can be deployed on a CDN for fast global delivery.Build Time: Regenerating static pages becomes time-consuming as the site grows, especially for large-scale sites with many pages.
High Scalability: SSG scales easily since the same static files are served to all users, regardless of traffic volume.Limited Personalization: SSG doesn't natively support dynamic or personalized content, as the same static file is delivered to all users.

SSR and SSG in Next.js and Nuxt.js

Both Next.js (React) and Nuxt.js (Vue) are frameworks that support SSR and SSG, giving developers flexibility to choose the appropriate rendering strategy. Here's how these frameworks handle both approaches:

  • Next.js uses the getServerSideProps method to fetch data server-side during SSR and getStaticProps for SSG;
  • Nuxt.js automatically generates static pages using the generate method for SSG and processes dynamic content with the asyncData or fetch hooks for SSR.

Choosing SSR or SSG

Choosing between SSR and SSG depends largely on your project's requirements. Here are some practical tips to help guide your decision:

When to Choose SSR:

  1. Dynamic Content: If your project requires real-time data or frequent updates (e.g., news sites, e-commerce platforms), SSR is a better choice;
  2. SEO-Driven Sites with Real-Time Content: For SEO-critical sites that rely on up-to-date content, such as e-commerce product listings or real-time stock data, SSR provides both freshness and search engine visibility;
  3. Personalization: If you need to deliver personalized content to users (such as user dashboards or tailored recommendations), SSR allows for dynamic content rendering based on the user's session or preferences.

When to Choose SSG:

  1. Content That Doesn't Change Frequently: For content-heavy websites, blogs, documentation, or portfolio sites where the data doesn't change frequently, SSG offers blazing fast performance;
  2. Scalable Projects: If your project is expected to handle a large volume of traffic, SSG is an excellent choice due to its static nature and ease of deployment on CDNs;
  3. Cost-Effective Deployment: For projects with limited budget or hosting resources, SSG reduces server costs by serving static files and eliminating server-side processing;
  4. High SEO Requirements for Static Content: If your site is SEO-sensitive but the content doesn't change much over time, SSG ensures fast page load times and optimized SEO performance.

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Combining SSR and SSG for Hybrid Applications

In some cases, a hybrid approach using both SSR and SSG might be the best solution. For example, you can statically generate most pages using SSG and only rely on SSR for pages that require real-time data.


Choosing between Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static-Site Generation (SSG) depends on your project's specific needs. SSR is ideal for dynamic content and real-time updates, while SSG excels in performance and scalability for static content. By understanding the benefits and challenges of each, you can make an informed decision that optimizes both the user experience and the operational efficiency of your project.

For projects requiring a balance between the two, modern frameworks like Next.js and Nuxt.js provide the flexibility to implement hybrid approaches, ensuring that your web application is both fast and responsive to changing content needs.


Q: What is the main difference between SSR and SSG?
A: SSR generates HTML dynamically on the server for each user request, while SSG pre-generates static HTML files at build time, serving the same content to all users.

Q: When should I use SSR instead of SSG?
A: SSR is ideal for projects with frequently changing content, real-time data requirements, or personalized user experiences, such as e-commerce or news sites.

Q: Does SSR or SSG offer better SEO performance?
A: Both SSR and SSG provide excellent SEO performance. SSR is preferred for real-time updates, while SSG offers faster load times, improving SEO for static content.

Q: Can I combine SSR and SSG in a single project?
A: Yes, frameworks like Next.js and Nuxt.js support hybrid approaches, allowing you to use SSG for static content and SSR for dynamic pages.

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