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Essenciais de Java
181 avaliações
Embarque em uma jornada abrangente pelo universo da programação Java. Seja você um iniciante ou alguém com alguma experiência em codificação, este curso irá fornecer-lhe o conhecimento e as habilidades necessárias para se destacar como desenvolvedor Java. Mostre mais
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Try Codefinity TeamsWhat you will learn
- Build a strong foundation in Java by learning essential syntax, data types, and control structures
- Expand your Java knowledge with advanced concepts, enhancing your ability to write efficient and maintainable code
- Master Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles, including encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
- Learn how to work with data structures in Java, such as lists, sets, maps, and queues, to optimize performance
- Understand the fundamentals of unit testing using JUnit, covering different types of testing methodologies
- Dive into Java multithreading to develop high-performance applications that execute multiple tasks concurrently
- 215 chapters
- 32 hours
- 377 tasks
Trusted by employees of leading companies
Learning track content
Module 1 / Noções Básicas de Java
Nesta seção, você se familiarizará com o Java, entenderá suas particularidades e por que eu recomendaria aprender essa linguagem de programação específica. Você escreverá seu primeiro código em Java e se familiarizará com a impressão de texto no console. Vamos começar?
Concluímos um curso teórico, e agora a parte mais interessante começa. Nesta seção, vamos nos familiarizar com os conceitos básicos de codificação, tipos de dados primitivos e operações com eles. Agora, seu código pode executar tarefas matemáticas e avaliar condições para a execução subsequente. Parece interessante? Vamos começar a nos familiarizar.
Nesta seção, vamos nos familiarizar com vários tipos de loops, como for, while e do-while. Loops são fundamentais em qualquer linguagem de programação, pois nos permitem iterar de maneira eficiente sobre uma grande quantidade de dados e economizar tempo significativamente. Mais adiante, você usará loops extensivamente em tarefas como ordenação, trabalhar com arrays, coleções e muito mais. Bem, então, vamos começar.
Esta seção abordará arrays e como usá-los corretamente. Vamos aprender a agrupar dados em arrays e explorar alguns métodos para trabalhar com eles. Arrays são essenciais para a linguagem de programação Java, então vamos mergulhar no assunto.
Nesta seção, você será introduzido a um tipo de dado chamado String.
Por que existe uma seção separada no curso para este tipo de dado? String é um tipo de dado bastante significativo, com muitos métodos e operações embutidos. Neste curso, você vai aprender sobre String e StringBuilder, explorar seus métodos básicos e aprender como usar strings de maneira eficaz em Java. Então, está pronto para começar?
Module 2 / Java Extended
Throughout the following lessons, you will become acquainted with the inner workings of Java and discover optimized methods to work with the language. This will involve exploring Java's operations at the computer level and adopting best practices for utilizing familiar concepts efficiently.
You have already encountered methods, and now you will finally understand what they actually are, how to create your own methods, and how to work with them. You will learn to return the desired values from methods and significantly improve the quality and logic of your code.
Get ready to dive into the world of String and discover more about its inner workings and methods. We'll explore the fascinating features that String offers, including the ability to customize the "toString" method, split strings into substrings, and utilize indexes for efficient data retrieval. Let's embark on this exciting journey to expand our knowledge of String manipulation!
In this section, you will learn how to create your own classes and their objects. You will be able to use methods of one class within another and establish relationships between them. Get ready to discover many interesting concepts and delve deeper into OOP programming!
In this section, we will continue our study of classes. We will explore more advanced usage of class objects and learn more about access modifiers and how to use them effectively. We will also delve into getters and setters, as they are considered best practices in programming.
Finally, we can start learning Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Java. It will be challenging, but I'm confident that you'll succeed! In this section, we'll cover all the principles of OOP, explain why OOP is important. You'll learn how to inherit classes, overload and override methods, encapsulate data from other classes, and work with abstraction. Moreover, you'll reinforce all these theoretical concepts with practical exercises, working on assignments in your IDE. You'll gain a wealth of knowledge, both practical and theoretical, so let's get started!
In the previous section, we concluded that all Object-Oriented Programming is mainly built on abstraction. However, an abstract class has one significant limitation – you can inherit from only one abstract class. But what if we need more?
Interfaces come to the rescue. In this section, you will learn what an interface is, why it's necessary, how to use it correctly, and you will continue practicing Object-Oriented Programming. Let's turn you into a professional!
Module 4 / Java Data Structures
In this section, you will be introduced to the concept of a list and the most commonly used types of lists. You will learn how to create them and use various lists correctly.
This section will introduce you to data structures that are not used as frequently but are still valuable. Data structures like set, stack, queue, and deque will help you better understand how Java works and various applications with databases. There will also be plenty of practice to reinforce both new and previous material.
This section will introduce you to a data structure called a map. This data structure operates on the principle of key-value pairs, meaning we retrieve data based on a specific key. This allows us to build various data structures that closely resemble databases. You will also learn about concepts such as HashCode and explore data structures like HashMap and HashSet.
The final touches on mastering the basic data structures. In this section, we will talk about another data structure - enum, and also explore how to work with the flow of information in the data structure using the Stream API.
Module 5 / Java JUnit Library. Types of Testing
Let's talk about types of testing and which testing methods developers use. You will learn about the stages an application goes through before being delivered to the client and the specific tests you will need to write.
In this section, we're going to dive into unit testing — you'll get the rundown on its structure in Java and the ins and outs of crafting them the right way. Setting up your IDE, importing necessary libraries, and lots of hands-on practice.
In this section, we will enhance our coding skills by dealing with errors that can also be caught in unit tests. When testing an application, you may come across various errors, and sometimes they should be turned into exceptions. I will explain how to catch exceptions in your code, test them, and handle them properly.
Module 6 / Multithreading in Java
This section will delve into the foundational concepts of multithreading in Java, focusing on the creation and management of threads, and the use of synchronization techniques to avoid conflicts. You’ll also learn how to utilize essential keywords and methods to ensure the accurate and reliable execution of multithreaded programs, providing a solid understanding of how to handle concurrency effectively in your applications.
This section explores synchronized collections in Java, explaining their purpose and the common concurrency issues they are designed to solve. You’ll gain insights into how these collections work, why they are essential in multithreaded environments, and how they help ensure safe and consistent data manipulation when multiple threads access shared resources.
This section covers high-level synchronization mechanisms in Java, such as the use of Lock and Condition, semaphores, barriers, atomic variables, and thread pooling with Executors. Each topic is paired with practical exercises designed to reinforce your understanding and help you apply the theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.
This section explores fundamental multithreaded programming patterns and practices such as Producer-Consumer, Fork/Join, ThreadLocal, and asynchronous programming with CompletableFuture. You'll work through examples and see the practical outcomes of these approaches, gaining hands-on experience that will enable you to apply these techniques effectively in real-world applications.
Module 7 / Stream API
Discover how Stream API revolutionizes data processing in Java with its expressive and functional approach. Explore its architecture, principles, and key functional features to write concise and efficient code.
- ArchitecturePreview
- PrinciplesPreview
- What Is a Functional Interface?Preview
- Predicate: Data FilteringPreview
- Challenge: Filtering Corporate Email AddressesPreview
- Function: Data TransformationPreview
- Challenge: Income Tax CalculationPreview
- Comparable: Natural Ordering of DataPreview
- Comparator: Custom Comparison of DataPreview
- Challenge: Sorting EmployeesPreview
- Consumer: Processing DataPreview
- Supplier: Data GenerationPreview
- Bi-versions of Functional InterfacesPreview
- Challenge: Filtering Users by Two CriteriaPreview
- BinaryOperator: Combining Two ValuesPreview
Learn about various intermediate operations available in the Stream API that allow you to manipulate and process data in a functional style. These operations, such as filtering, transforming, and sorting, enable you to efficiently work with collections and perform tasks like removing duplicates, limiting results, or handling nested structures. Each operation can be combined to create powerful data pipelines, making your code more concise and readable.
- Transforming Elements with the map() MethodPreview
- Filtering Elements with the filter() MethodPreview
- Challenge: Factory Product FilteringPreview
- Working with Nested Structures with the flatMap() MethodPreview
- Arranging Items in Order with the sorted() MethodPreview
- Challenge: Selecting the Best Cars on the Production LinePreview
- Eliminating Duplicates with the distinct() MethodPreview
- Challenge: Factory Quality ControlPreview
- Restricting and Skipping Elements with the limit() and skip() MethodsPreview
- Challenge: Finding the Top 3 Hardest-Working EmployeesPreview
- Intermediate Processing with the peek() MethodPreview
Learn about various terminal operations available in the Stream API that allow you to process and retrieve data efficiently. These operations, such as collecting, reducing, and counting, enable you to aggregate results, find specific elements, or perform side effects like printing or writing to a file. Understanding these operations helps you efficiently handle data processing tasks while keeping your code concise and expressive.
- collect() Gathering Stream Elements into a CollectionPreview
- Challenge: Build a Custom Collector for Category CountingPreview
- Collectors Utility Class for Stream APIPreview
- Processing Elements with the forEach() MethodPreview
- Handling Values with the Optional ClassPreview
- Aggregating Elements with the reduce() MethodPreview
- Challenge: Calculating Total Cost with Discounts and TaxPreview
- Calculating Stream Statistics with count(), max(), and min()Preview
- Retrieving Stream Summary Metrics with summaryStatistics() MethodPreview
- Retrieving Elements from a Stream with findFirst() and findAny()Preview
- Challenge: Selecting Random Products Within a CategoryPreview
- Checking Stream Elements Against a Condition with allMatch()Preview
- Challenge: Ensuring Fast Delivery for Expensive ProductsPreview
Discover how to apply Stream API in real-world scenarios, improving code readability and efficiency. Learn how to refactor existing code, analyze performance trade-offs, and handle exceptions properly. Will help you write cleaner and more maintainable Java code using Stream API.
- A computer with a browser - all browsers are supported.
- Your enthusiasm to enhance your tech skills.
- Everything else needed to start learning and practicing is already included in this course.
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O principal é aprender e não desistir
O material é bom, há muito a aprender, tudo para se tornar melhor e o principal é aprender o que você quer....
Matteo Comune
Graças a eles, estou aprendendo muito…
Graças a eles, estou aprendendo muito mais rápido porque eles ajudam você a entender tudo desde o início. É o melhor site que ajuda pessoas sem conhecimento em TI...
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óptimo curso para iniciantes
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Estou a gostar da minha experiência de aprendizagem do Python com a Codefinity. A forma de aprendizagem ao meu ritmo é óptima porque posso ajustá-la ao meu horário...
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É bom aprender com o Codefinity
É bom aprender com o Codefinity. É fácil e tem bons exemplos do que aprendi aqui...
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A Codefinity é uma ferramenta de aprendizagem abrangente…
A Codefinity é uma ferramenta de aprendizagem abrangente que ajuda a desenvolver as suas habilidades como engenheiro de software ou cientista de dados. Os exercícios são divertidos...
Primeira vez aprendendo a programar
Primeira vez a aprender a programar e conseguindo-o com sucesso com a Codefinity - obrigado...
Adrien Morel
Bem desenhado para iniciantes totais
Bem desenhado para iniciantes totais, progresso incremental e faz-me sentir confiante....
é simplesmente muito bem explicado
é simplesmente perfeitamente bem explicado! Até agora, não tive qualquer dificuldade porque tudo é muito bem gerido...
Ruslan Kravchuk
O principal é aprender e não desistir
O material é bom, há muito a aprender, tudo para se tornar melhor e o principal é aprender o que você quer....
Matteo Comune
Graças a eles, estou aprendendo muito…
Graças a eles, estou aprendendo muito mais rápido porque eles ajudam você a entender tudo desde o início. É o melhor site que ajuda pessoas sem conhecimento em TI...
Yuliana Cadavid
óptimo curso para iniciantes
ótimo curso para iniciantes, eles testam o seu conhecimento em cada lição...
Estou a gostar da minha experiência com a Codefinity…
Estou a gostar da minha experiência de aprendizagem do Python com a Codefinity. A forma de aprendizagem ao meu ritmo é óptima porque posso ajustá-la ao meu horário...
Alexandru Alexandru
É bom aprender com o Codefinity
É bom aprender com o Codefinity. É fácil e tem bons exemplos do que aprendi aqui...
jacob Templet
Easy to follow along with and provides…
É fácil seguir e proporciona desafios no meu dia-a-dia. O desafio mantém-me querendo aprender dia após dia...
A Codefinity é uma ferramenta de aprendizagem abrangente…
A Codefinity é uma ferramenta de aprendizagem abrangente que ajuda a desenvolver as suas habilidades como engenheiro de software ou cientista de dados. Os exercícios são divertidos...
Primeira vez aprendendo a programar
Primeira vez a aprender a programar e conseguindo-o com sucesso com a Codefinity - obrigado...
Adrien Morel
Bem desenhado para iniciantes totais
Bem desenhado para iniciantes totais, progresso incremental e faz-me sentir confiante....
é simplesmente muito bem explicado
é simplesmente perfeitamente bem explicado! Até agora, não tive qualquer dificuldade porque tudo é muito bem gerido...
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Learning tracks
Somente para Ultimate
7 Cursos
293 Tarefas
Somente para Ultimate
6 Cursos
169 Tarefas
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4 Cursos
115 Tarefas
Somente para Ultimate
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101 Tarefas
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143 Tarefas
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5 Cursos
119 Tarefas
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3 Cursos
39 Tarefas
Somente para Ultimate
4 Cursos
96 Tarefas
Somente para Ultimate
2 Cursos
1 Projeto
65 Tarefas
Somente para Ultimate
7 Cursos
320 Tarefas
Somente para Ultimate
6 Cursos
283 Tarefas
Somente para Ultimate
5 Cursos
146 Tarefas
Somente para Ultimate
5 Cursos
123 Tarefas
Somente para Ultimate
3 Cursos
71 Tarefas
Somente para Ultimate
6 Cursos
229 Tarefas
Somente para Ultimate
5 Cursos
213 Tarefas
Somente para Ultimate
4 Cursos
125 Tarefas
Somente para Ultimate
3 Cursos
119 Tarefas
Somente para Ultimate
3 Cursos
75 Tarefas
Learning tracks
Web Development with C#
Python de Zero a Herói
SQL do Zero ao Herói
C++ para Iniciantes
Game Development with Unity
Torne-se um Desenvolvedor React
Excel Essentials
Data Analyst Foundation
Python: Além do Intermediário
Desenvolvimento Web Full Stack
Fundação de Desenvolvimento Frontend
Análise e Visualização de Dados em Python
Fundamentos de Aprendizado de Máquina
C++ Mastery
Java Web
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Video Production with Adobe
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