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Data Preprocessing | Tweet Sentiment Analysis
Tweet Sentiment Analysis
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Tweet Sentiment Analysis

bookData Preprocessing

Data preprocessing refers to the techniques used to prepare raw data for further analysis or modeling. The goal of preprocessing is to clean, transform, and format the data so that it can be used effectively in an analysis or model.

Methods description

  • The .dropna() method in Pandas is used to remove rows or columns with missing values (NaN). Setting inplace=True modifies the DataFrame in place, meaning the changes are applied directly to the original DataFrame, and it returns None;
  • The .drop_duplicates() method is used to remove duplicate rows from the DataFrame. Setting inplace=True modifies the DataFrame in place, removing duplicate rows, and it returns None.


  1. Drop NaNs from our dataset.
  2. Drop duplicates from our dataset.

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Data preprocessing refers to the techniques used to prepare raw data for further analysis or modeling. The goal of preprocessing is to clean, transform, and format the data so that it can be used effectively in an analysis or model.

Methods description

  • The .dropna() method in Pandas is used to remove rows or columns with missing values (NaN). Setting inplace=True modifies the DataFrame in place, meaning the changes are applied directly to the original DataFrame, and it returns None;
  • The .drop_duplicates() method is used to remove duplicate rows from the DataFrame. Setting inplace=True modifies the DataFrame in place, removing duplicate rows, and it returns None.


  1. Drop NaNs from our dataset.
  2. Drop duplicates from our dataset.

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Секція 1. Розділ 4