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Challenge: Adding Custom Google Font | Basic Concepts
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Next.js 14

Challenge: Adding Custom Google FontChallenge: Adding Custom Google Font

We continue our work within the fonts.ts file. Let's import Rubik font with 400 weight and latin subsets. Apply this font to the p element in the app/page.tsx file.

It's best to try solving it on your own. If you need help, refer to the solution below:

To finalize the use of fonts, uncomment the TradeHubLogo component in the app/page.tsx file, and check the live page.


We should be able to see the following view of our application.

In Practice

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Секція 2. Розділ 9
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Next.js 14

Challenge: Adding Custom Google FontChallenge: Adding Custom Google Font

We continue our work within the fonts.ts file. Let's import Rubik font with 400 weight and latin subsets. Apply this font to the p element in the app/page.tsx file.

It's best to try solving it on your own. If you need help, refer to the solution below:

To finalize the use of fonts, uncomment the TradeHubLogo component in the app/page.tsx file, and check the live page.


We should be able to see the following view of our application.

In Practice

Все було зрозуміло?

Секція 2. Розділ 9