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What Holidays are we Considering? | Analyzing Data
Analyzing and Visualizing Real-World Data
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Analyzing and Visualizing Real-World Data

What Holidays are we Considering?

Interesting! We can see that the median revenue for weeks with holidays is greater than for weeks without holidays. Let's find out which holidays are included in the dataset and summarize this information in a table.

So, what holidays do we have? Let's summarize this information in the table.

Dates (in the dataframe)Holiday
2010-02-12, 2011-02-11, 2012-02-10Super Bowl
2010-09-10, 2011-09-09, 2012-09-07Labor Day
2010-11-26, 2011-11-25Thanksgiving
2010-12-31, 2011-12-30Christmas

Additionally, according to the result obtained in the previous chapter, we should include one week before Christmas, too.

Dates (in the dataframe)Holiday
2010-12-24, 2011-12-23'Pre-Christmas'

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