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Learn Using Colors in Tailwind CSS | Core Concepts and Basic Styling
Tailwind CSS for Web Development
course content

Course Content

Tailwind CSS for Web Development

Tailwind CSS for Web Development

1. Introduction and Setup
2. Core Concepts and Basic Styling
3. Building Basic Components
4. Layout Basics
5. Responsiveness and Customization

Using Colors in Tailwind CSS


Tailwind CSS provides a wide range of color utilities that you can apply to elements. These utilities help you quickly set background colors, text colors, and border colors.


The numbers in these classes represent different shades of the base color. These numbers range from 50 to 900:

  • Lower numbers (e.g., 50): Lighter shades;
  • Higher numbers (e.g., 900): Darker shades.

Background Colors

Use the bg- prefix followed by the color name and shade.




Text Colors

Use the text- prefix followed by the color name and shade.




Border Colors

Use the border- prefix followed by the color name and shade.





To see all the existing colors, you can refer to the Tailwind documentation below.

1. Which class would you use to set a background color to blue?

2. Which utility class would you use to set the text color to gray?

Which class would you use to set a background color to blue?

Which class would you use to set a background color to blue?

Select the correct answer

Which utility class would you use to set the text color to gray?

Which utility class would you use to set the text color to gray?

Select the correct answer

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