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What is Tailwind CSS? | Introduction and Setup
Tailwind CSS: Styling for Modern Web Development
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Tailwind CSS: Styling for Modern Web Development

Tailwind CSS: Styling for Modern Web Development

1. Introduction and Setup
2. Core Concepts and Basic Styling
3. Building Basic Components
4. Layout Basics
5. Responsiveness and Customization

What is Tailwind CSS?

Welcome to our Tailwind CSS framework course, where we'll explore a modern approach to styling websites. Get ready to enhance your styling skills.

Unlike traditional CSS frameworks, which come with predefined components, Tailwind allows you to create custom designs without ever leaving your HTML.

Key features

🛠️ Utility-First Approach: Tailwind offers a collection of utility classes that can be combined to build any design, making it flexible and versatile.

🗑️ No More Unused CSS: Using utility classes, Tailwind helps avoid unused CSS, which can bloat your project.

📱💻 Responsive Design: Tailwind includes built-in responsive design features, making it easy to create designs that work across different screen sizes.

🎨 Customization: Tailwind is highly customizable, allowing you to tweak the design system to match your project’s needs.

Core concept

The utility-first approach in Tailwind CSS means using small, single-purpose classes directly in your HTML to build your designs. Each utility class is designed to do one thing well, such as setting the margin, padding, color, or typography.

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