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Weapon BP Overview | The Character Blueprint
Unreal Engine FPS Game

Weapon BP OverviewWeapon BP Overview

In this chapter, we take a look at the BP_Pickup_Rifle and explain how the pick-up mechanics work and what happens when we shoot with the rifle.

BP_Pickup_Rifle has a SphereCollision component once a player overlaps with this invisible sphere, an event called On Begin Overlap fires off which first checks the overlapping actor and makes sure that it is a BP_FirstPersonCharacter, then saves a copy of that and checks if the player already has a weapon in their hands. If they do not, then it adds a component called BP_Weapon_Component to the FirstPersonCharacter.

  • The BP_Weapon_Component is then attached to the hands of the player and then BP_Pickup_Rifle destroys itself.
  • The BP_WeaponComponent handles the logic of spawning a projectile (Bp_FirstPersonProjectile), playing a sound of gunfire and an animation (for the arms).

Everything was clear?

Section 2. Chapter 3
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Course Content

Unreal Engine FPS Game

Weapon BP OverviewWeapon BP Overview

In this chapter, we take a look at the BP_Pickup_Rifle and explain how the pick-up mechanics work and what happens when we shoot with the rifle.

BP_Pickup_Rifle has a SphereCollision component once a player overlaps with this invisible sphere, an event called On Begin Overlap fires off which first checks the overlapping actor and makes sure that it is a BP_FirstPersonCharacter, then saves a copy of that and checks if the player already has a weapon in their hands. If they do not, then it adds a component called BP_Weapon_Component to the FirstPersonCharacter.

  • The BP_Weapon_Component is then attached to the hands of the player and then BP_Pickup_Rifle destroys itself.
  • The BP_WeaponComponent handles the logic of spawning a projectile (Bp_FirstPersonProjectile), playing a sound of gunfire and an animation (for the arms).

Everything was clear?

Section 2. Chapter 3