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7 Essential Tips from a Senior Developer to Novices in Coding
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7 Essential Tips from a Senior Developer to Novices in Coding

Advices to Junior Developers

Anastasiia Tsurkan

by Anastasiia Tsurkan

Backend Developer

Dec, 2023
5 min read


Embarking on a journey into the world of coding can be both exhilarating and daunting. For those just starting out, the guidance of experienced professionals can be invaluable. In this article, we bring together seven key pieces of advice from a seasoned senior developer, aimed at helping newcomers navigate the initial challenges of coding.

Start with the Basics

Understanding fundamental concepts is crucial. A senior developer would emphasize the importance of grasping the basics of programming languages, algorithms, and data structures. They suggest starting with a language known for its beginner-friendliness, such as Python, and gradually building up to more complex languages and concepts.

Practice Regularly

Coding is a skill honed through practice. The advice is clear: code every day, even if it's just for a short period. Tackling small projects, contributing to open-source code, or solving problems on platforms like LeetCode or HackerRank can accelerate your learning and keep your skills sharp.

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Learn to Debug Effectively

One of the most valuable skills in a developer's toolkit is the ability to debug code efficiently. The senior developer would advise learning how to use debugging tools and understanding common error messages. This skill not only saves time but also deepens your understanding of how your code operates.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

No one knows everything, and it's okay to seek assistance. Whether it's through online forums, coding communities, or mentors, asking for help can provide new perspectives and solutions. A senior developer would encourage building a network for support and knowledge sharing.

Understand the Importance of Version Control

Version control systems like Git are fundamental in modern coding practices. The advice here is to get comfortable with using these systems early on. They not only help in managing changes in your code but also in collaborating with other developers.

Work on Real Projects

Theory and practice often differ. To bridge this gap, the senior developer recommends working on real-life projects. This could involve personal projects, freelance work, or contributions to existing open-source projects. Such experiences are invaluable in understanding the practical challenges and demands of coding.

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Keep Learning and Stay Updated

Technology evolves rapidly, and so should your knowledge. The final piece of advice is to continually learn and stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies in the field. This could involve taking online courses, attending workshops, or simply reading about new developments in the tech world.


Starting a career in coding is a journey of continuous learning and growth. By following these seven pieces of advice from a senior developer, beginners can lay a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling career in the world of programming. Remember, every expert was once a beginner, and with perseverance and passion, you too can achieve mastery in coding.


Q: What programming language should I start with as a beginner?
A: Start with a language known for its ease of learning, like Python. It's widely used and has a syntax that's easier to grasp for beginners.

Q: How much time should I spend coding each day as a beginner?
A: Aim for consistent, daily practice, even if it's just for 30 minutes to an hour. Regular coding helps in retaining and understanding concepts better.

Q: How do I ask for help without feeling embarrassed?
A: Remember that everyone starts somewhere and asking for help is a part of the learning process. Use online forums, coding communities, or seek a mentor for guidance.

Q: Can you explain the importance of version control in coding?
A: Version control systems like Git help in managing and tracking changes to your code, facilitating easier collaboration and error tracking.

Q: What should I do if I feel overwhelmed with learning to code?
A: Take a step back and review your learning approach. Break down topics into smaller, manageable parts, and don't hesitate to revisit the basics if needed. Remember, learning to code is a marathon, not a sprint.

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