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Learn Setting Up a React Component | Advanced React Router Features
React Router Essentials
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Course Content

React Router Essentials

React Router Essentials

1. Understanding React Router and URL Structures
2. Implementing React Router in a React App
3. Advanced React Router Features

Setting Up a React Component

Our next goal in our ongoing journey with the previous app is to construct the "Products" page. This page will serve as a platform for rendering data provided from the data.js file, allowing us to interact with it.

We begin by creating the ProductsPage component. The component structure is as follows:

  • We've established a React component named ProductsPage. This component is designed to handle the rendering of a list of companies;
  • The useState hook initializes the companies state. This state will enable the component to manage and respond to changes in the list of companies;
  • The handleChange function is set up to handle user input and trigger updates based on the input.

With this ProductsPage component in place, we can render a dynamic list of companies and allow user interaction with the data.

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