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Learn Working with Query Parameters | Advanced React Router Features
React Router Essentials
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Course Content

React Router Essentials

React Router Essentials

1. Understanding React Router and URL Structures
2. Implementing React Router in a React App
3. Advanced React Router Features

Working with Query Parameters

The useSearchParams is a hook that provides access to the query parameters (search parameters) of the current URL. Query parameters are key-value pairs that follow the question mark (?) in a URL. For example, in the URL, the query parameters are category=electronics and page=2.

What Does useSearchParams Return?

The useSearchParams hook returns an array with two elements: an object representing the current query parameters and a function to update the query parameters. Here's how you can use the hook:

The searchParams Object

The searchParams object is an instance of the URLSearchParams class. It provides convenient methods to interact with query parameters, such as:

  • get(key): Retrieves the value associated with a specific key;
  • getAll(key): Retrieves all values associated with a specific key;
  • set(key, value): Sets or updates the value of a specific key;
  • append(key, value): Appends a new value to an existing key;
  • delete(key): Deletes a specific key and its associated value;
  • toString(): Returns the query parameters as a string (e.g., "?category=electronics&page=2").

The setSearchParams Function

The setSearchParams function allows you to update the query parameters in the URL. You can pass it an object with key-value pairs to set new parameters or modify existing ones. Here's an example of how to use it:

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