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Backend Development | Getting Started
Java Basics

Backend DevelopmentBackend Development

Hello, future developer!

Welcome to the course on learning backend programming in Java. In this course, you will be introduced to the fundamentals of this programming language.

To begin, let's first understand what backend programming is.

What is Back-End Development?

Backend programming is the programming of the side of an application that the end user doesn't see. While front-end programmers manipulate images and pixels on a webpage, back-end programming is where the magic happens! The responsibilities of a backend programmer include data analysis, business logic development, securing the application against hacking attempts, configuring product payments system, administering the application system, and designing the application's logic.

It's you!

You can be the programmer who configures all the processes in the application. Database connectivity, established communication between different parts of the application, and much more!

Who will you become?

  • 🤩 First, you will become a sought-after programmer who understands the intricacies of web application processes and more;
  • ✨ You'll be able to diversify into various fields and build your career doing what you love;
  • 📚 You don't need a college degree to work in and learn programming! A strong specialist in backend development is worth more than gold!
  • 💸 High salaries for backend developers are no secret! But you're not studying for that, are you?
  • 🪄 You'll be able to work magic in your code that will leave other developers in awe!

Knowledge is what sets us apart from monkeys! So, I suggest you start soaking up knowledge like a vacuum!

Everything was clear?

Section 1. Chapter 1
course content

Course Content

Java Basics

Backend DevelopmentBackend Development

Hello, future developer!

Welcome to the course on learning backend programming in Java. In this course, you will be introduced to the fundamentals of this programming language.

To begin, let's first understand what backend programming is.

What is Back-End Development?

Backend programming is the programming of the side of an application that the end user doesn't see. While front-end programmers manipulate images and pixels on a webpage, back-end programming is where the magic happens! The responsibilities of a backend programmer include data analysis, business logic development, securing the application against hacking attempts, configuring product payments system, administering the application system, and designing the application's logic.

It's you!

You can be the programmer who configures all the processes in the application. Database connectivity, established communication between different parts of the application, and much more!

Who will you become?

  • 🤩 First, you will become a sought-after programmer who understands the intricacies of web application processes and more;
  • ✨ You'll be able to diversify into various fields and build your career doing what you love;
  • 📚 You don't need a college degree to work in and learn programming! A strong specialist in backend development is worth more than gold!
  • 💸 High salaries for backend developers are no secret! But you're not studying for that, are you?
  • 🪄 You'll be able to work magic in your code that will leave other developers in awe!

Knowledge is what sets us apart from monkeys! So, I suggest you start soaking up knowledge like a vacuum!

Everything was clear?

Section 1. Chapter 1