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Public Key Cryptography

Public Key Cryptography

Public and Private Keys

Andrii Chornyi

by Andrii Chornyi

Data Scientist, ML Engineer

Feb, 2024
13 min read



Public key cryptography, also known as asymmetric cryptography, is a fundamental technology in securing digital communications and transactions. Unlike symmetric cryptography, which uses the same key for both encryption and decryption, public key cryptography employs a pair of keys—a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. This revolutionary approach has become the backbone of secure internet communications, including HTTPS, email encryption, and digital signatures.

How Public Key Cryptography Works

Key Generation

The process begins with the generation of a key pair: a public key, which can be shared openly, and a private key, which must be kept secret. These keys are mathematically linked, but deriving the private key from the public key is computationally infeasible due to the complexity of the algorithms used, such as RSA, ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography), and others.

Encryption and Decryption

  • Encryption: When a sender wishes to send a secure message, they use the recipient's public key to encrypt the message. Once encrypted, the message can only be decrypted by the corresponding private key.
  • Decryption: Upon receiving the encrypted message, the recipient uses their private key to decrypt it. Since only the intended recipient possesses the private key, this ensures the confidentiality of the message.

Digital Signatures

Public key cryptography also enables the use of digital signatures, which verify the authenticity and integrity of digital documents. A digital signature is created by encrypting the document's hash (a fixed-size bit string derived from the document's content) with the sender's private key. The recipient can then decrypt the hash with the sender's public key and compare it to the document's hash to verify its authenticity.

Applications of Public Key Cryptography

  • Secure Communication: Encrypting emails and messages to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.
  • Digital Signatures: Ensuring the authenticity and integrity of digital documents and transactions.
  • Secure Web Browsing: HTTPS protocols use public key cryptography to secure data transmitted between web browsers and servers.
  • Authentication: Verifying the identity of users and devices in digital communications.

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Encryption with public and private keys, foundational to public key (asymmetric) cryptography, involves a sophisticated process that ensures secure communication and data protection.

Transfer Encrypted Message

Key Generation

The process begins with the generation of a pair of keys using cryptographic algorithms, such as RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) or ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography). These keys are mathematically linked:

  • Public Key: Can be openly shared and is used to encrypt data.
  • Private Key: Kept secret by the owner and used to decrypt data encrypted with the corresponding public key.

Despite their linkage, it is computationally infeasible to derive the private key from the public key due to the hardness of underlying mathematical problems, such as factoring large prime numbers in RSA.

Encryption Process

  1. Sender Encrypts Message: When the sender wants to send a secure message to the recipient, they use the recipient’s public key to encrypt the message. The encryption process transforms the plaintext message into ciphertext using the public key, ensuring that only the holder of the corresponding private key can decrypt it.
  2. Transmission: The encrypted message (ciphertext) is then transmitted over the network. Despite being intercepted, the message remains secure because it can only be decrypted with the recipient's private key.

Decryption Process

  1. Recipient Decrypts Message: Upon receiving the encrypted message, the recipient uses their private key to decrypt the ciphertext back into plaintext. The decryption process reverses the encryption algorithm, restoring the original message.
  2. Message Integrity and Confidentiality: The successful decryption of the message not only ensures its confidentiality (only the intended recipient can read it) but also verifies its integrity (the message has not been altered) and authenticity (the message indeed came from someone who has the recipient’s public key).

Digital Signatures

In addition to encryption, public and private keys are also used for digital signatures, providing authenticity and non-repudiation.

Transfer Signed Message
  1. Signing: The sender generates a digital signature by encrypting the message’s hash (a unique digital fingerprint) with their private key. The hash is generated using a cryptographic hash function.
  2. Verification: The recipient decrypts the signature using the sender’s public key and compares the decrypted hash with a hash generated from the received message. If the hashes match, the signature is valid, confirming the message's integrity and the sender's identity.

Connection Chanel

The secure exchange of symmetric keys using asymmetric cryptography is a foundational principle in establishing secure communication channels over the internet. This process, often encapsulated within protocols like TLS (Transport Layer Security), enables the efficient encryption of data in transit while leveraging the secure key distribution capabilities of asymmetric cryptography. Here's a simplified example illustrating this concept:

Scenario: Secure Email Communication

Participants: Alice and Bob wish to establish a secure email communication channel to exchange sensitive information.

Step 1: Asymmetric Key Generation

  • Alice and Bob: Both participants generate their own asymmetric key pairs, each consisting of a public key (which can be shared openly) and a private key (which must be kept secret).

Step 2: Public Key Exchange

  • Exchange: Alice sends her public key to Bob, and Bob sends his public key to Alice. This exchange can be done over an insecure channel, as public keys do not need to be kept secret.

Step 3: Symmetric Key Generation

  • Alice: Decides to initiate the conversation and generates a symmetric key that will be used to encrypt the email conversation. Symmetric encryption is chosen for its efficiency in encrypting and decrypting large amounts of data.

Step 4: Secure Symmetric Key Sharing

  • Encrypting the Symmetric Key: Alice uses Bob's public key to encrypt the symmetric key. Since Bob's public key is involved in the encryption, only Bob's corresponding private key can decrypt it.
  • Sending the Symmetric Key: Alice sends the encrypted symmetric key to Bob over the internet.

Step 5: Establishing the Secure Channel

  • Bob Decrypts the Symmetric Key: Upon receiving the encrypted symmetric key, Bob uses his private key to decrypt it. Now, both Alice and Bob have access to the same symmetric key, but nobody else can access it since only Bob's private key can decrypt the symmetric key sent by Alice.
  • Secure Communication: Alice and Bob use the symmetric key to encrypt and decrypt their email messages. This allows for efficient and secure communication.

Step 6: Continuous Secure Communication

  • Ongoing Use: Alice and Bob continue to use the symmetric key for the duration of their email exchange. If they need to establish a new session in the future, they can repeat the process to generate and share a new symmetric key.

Benefits of This Approach

  • Efficiency: Symmetric encryption allows for fast encryption and decryption of messages.
  • Security: The asymmetric encryption of the symmetric key ensures that only the intended recipient can decrypt the symmetric key, thereby securing the channel.
  • Flexibility: This method can be adapted for any form of digital communication requiring confidentiality, including instant messaging, file sharing, and more.

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Advantages and Challenges


  • Enhanced Security: By using two separate keys, public key cryptography provides a robust security framework.
  • Non-repudiation: Digital signatures offer proof of the sender's identity and the message's integrity, preventing denial of involvement.
  • Scalability: Facilitates secure communication between multiple parties without the need for exchanging private keys.


  • Key Management: Managing and securely storing private keys is critical to maintaining security.
  • Computational Costs: Asymmetric encryption processes are computationally more intensive than symmetric methods, which can impact performance.
  • Key Length and Security: The strength of encryption is directly related to key length, requiring longer keys to counteract advances in computational power and techniques.


Public key cryptography is a cornerstone of modern digital security, enabling secure communications, authentication, and data integrity across the internet. Its principles of asymmetric encryption and digital signatures underpin numerous security protocols, making it indispensable in the protection of digital information and transactions.


Q: Why can't the private key be easily derived from the public key?
A: The security of public key cryptography is based on mathematical problems that are easy to perform in one direction but extremely difficult to reverse, such as prime factorization in RSA. These problems ensure that deriving the private key from the public key is computationally infeasible with current technology.

Q: How does public key cryptography secure web browsing?
A: In web browsing, public key cryptography is used in the SSL/TLS protocols to establish a secure session between the browser and the server. The server's public key is used to encrypt data sent from the browser, ensuring that only the server can decrypt it with its private key.

Q: Is public key cryptography alone sufficient for secure communications?
A: While public key cryptography provides a strong foundation, secure communications typically require a combination of techniques, including symmetric encryption for data confidentiality and secure key exchange protocols.

Q: How are public keys distributed and trusted?
A: Public keys are often distributed through digital certificates issued by Certificate Authorities (CAs). These certificates verify the ownership of a public key, establishing a chain of trust.

Q: What are the main differences between symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography?
A: Symmetric key cryptography uses the same key for both encryption and decryption, making it fast and efficient for large volumes of data. However, it requires secure key exchange, which can be a challenge. Asymmetric key cryptography, on the other hand, uses a pair of linked keys (public and private) for encryption and decryption, respectively. It solves the key exchange problem but is computationally more intensive, making it slower than symmetric cryptography for encrypting large data volumes.

Q: Can asymmetric keys be used for encrypting large files or data streams?
A: While it's technically possible to use asymmetric keys for encrypting large files or data streams, it's not practical due to the computational overhead. Instead, asymmetric encryption is typically used to encrypt a small piece of data, such as a symmetric key, which is then used to encrypt the large file or data stream.

Q: Is it safer to use asymmetric cryptography than symmetric cryptography?
A: Asymmetric cryptography provides a solution for secure key distribution, making it crucial for establishing secure communications over untrusted networks. However, symmetric cryptography is still preferred for the encryption of data at rest or data in transit over established secure channels due to its efficiency. The safety of either method depends on proper implementation, including the use of strong, up-to-date algorithms and secure key management practices.

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