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Using Pivot Tables | Advanced Topics
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Excel Beginner Course

Using Pivot TablesUsing Pivot Tables

Welcome, welcome to the final section of this course! By now, you should have clear in your mind which are the most important capabilities of Excel. In this section, we are going to explore some features that have been left out. Let's start with pivots!

Pivot tables are Excel's secret weapon for summarizing and analyzing large datasets with simplicity and precision. They enable you to transform rows of data into meaningful insights with just a few clicks. By dragging and dropping fields, you can quickly create custom reports, summarize data by categories, and uncover hidden patterns 🙂 . Pivot tables also offer flexibility, allowing you to experiment with different views of your data without altering the original dataset. You can apply functions and filters and even create calculated fields on the fly.

Here is an example of how to create a Pivot in Excel:

Not bad, isn't it?! Right, now that you have understood what Pivots are, I would like to ask you to extract information using Pivot Tables.

Please follow these steps and answer my question:

  • Download the file attached;
  • Select all cells;
  • Click on the icon;
  • Add a pivot table;
  • Select these fields: region, name, unit costs, total.

How many unit costs does Howard have in the East region?

Selecciona la respuesta correcta

¿Todo estuvo claro?

Sección 6. Capítulo 1
course content

Contenido del Curso

Excel Beginner Course

Using Pivot TablesUsing Pivot Tables

Welcome, welcome to the final section of this course! By now, you should have clear in your mind which are the most important capabilities of Excel. In this section, we are going to explore some features that have been left out. Let's start with pivots!

Pivot tables are Excel's secret weapon for summarizing and analyzing large datasets with simplicity and precision. They enable you to transform rows of data into meaningful insights with just a few clicks. By dragging and dropping fields, you can quickly create custom reports, summarize data by categories, and uncover hidden patterns 🙂 . Pivot tables also offer flexibility, allowing you to experiment with different views of your data without altering the original dataset. You can apply functions and filters and even create calculated fields on the fly.

Here is an example of how to create a Pivot in Excel:

Not bad, isn't it?! Right, now that you have understood what Pivots are, I would like to ask you to extract information using Pivot Tables.

Please follow these steps and answer my question:

  • Download the file attached;
  • Select all cells;
  • Click on the icon;
  • Add a pivot table;
  • Select these fields: region, name, unit costs, total.

How many unit costs does Howard have in the East region?

Selecciona la respuesta correcta

¿Todo estuvo claro?

Sección 6. Capítulo 1