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Learn Challenge: Write a Function – My Name | Functions in JavaScript
Introduction to JavaScript
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Course Content

Introduction to JavaScript

Introduction to JavaScript

1. JavaScript Fundamentals
2. Variables and Data Types in JavaScript
3. Performing Operations in JavaScript
4. Controlling Program Flow with Conditional Statements
5. Looping Through Data in JavaScript
6. Functions in JavaScript

Challenge: Write a Function – My Name


Implement a function to output a sentence:

  1. Name the function myName.
  2. The function should accept one argument, name.
  3. The myName function body should contain a console.log() statement that prints the sentence "My name is {name}".
  4. Call the myName function three times with different names.
function ___(___) { console.log("My name is", ___); }; myName("___"); myName("___"); myName("___");

The output should be:

  1. Function definition: function funcName(argument) {}.
  2. Place the argument name inside the console.log() function.
  3. Call the function with different names (choose them yourself).
  4. Call the funcName function after defining it using the funcName(value) syntax.
function myName(name) { console.log("My name is", name); } myName("Ashley"); myName("Ervin"); myName("Mabel");

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