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Learn Challenge: Write a Multi-Line Comment | JavaScript Fundamentals
Introduction to JavaScript
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Course Content

Introduction to JavaScript

Introduction to JavaScript

1. JavaScript Fundamentals
2. Variables and Data Types in JavaScript
3. Performing Operations in JavaScript
4. Controlling Program Flow with Conditional Statements
5. Looping Through Data in JavaScript
6. Functions in JavaScript

Challenge: Write a Multi-Line Comment


Comment out lines 3 through 10 of the code, replacing the ___ with the correct syntax for a multiline comment.

console.log("Hello, world!"); console.log("Welcome to the console!"); ___ console.log("I'm awesome!"); console.log("Today is a great day!"); console.log("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."); console.log("JavaScript is the language of the web."); console.log("Bananas are berries, but strawberries aren't."); console.log("Coding is my passion!"); ___ console.log("Don't forget to stay hydrated!");

Use the multi-line comment which starts with /* and ends with */.

console.log("Hello, world!"); console.log("Welcome to the console!"); /* console.log("I'm awesome!"); console.log("Today is a great day!"); console.log("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."); console.log("JavaScript is the language of the web."); console.log("Bananas are berries, but strawberries aren't."); console.log("Coding is my passion!"); */ console.log("Don't forget to stay hydrated!");

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