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Using Slots in Python
Coding Foundations

Using Slots in Python

Understanding and Implementing __slots__ in Python Classes

Kyryl Sidak

by Kyryl Sidak

Data Scientist, ML Engineer

Jan, 2024
6 min read

Using Slots in Python

Python's dynamic and flexible nature is one of its greatest strengths, but this can sometimes lead to less efficient memory usage. In scenarios where memory efficiency is critical, Python provides a feature known as __slots__ to help developers optimize their classes. This comprehensive guide delves deeply into the concept of __slots__, exploring how they work, how to implement them, their benefits, limitations, and advanced use cases.

What are `__slots__` in Python?

In Python, by default, each object maintains its attributes in a dynamic dictionary, which offers great flexibility but at a memory cost. __slots__ provide an alternative. By defining __slots__ in a class, you instruct Python to store instance attributes in a fixed-size array, rather than in a dynamic dictionary. This can lead to significant memory savings, especially when you have a large number of instances.

How `__slots__` Work?

When you define __slots__ in a class, Python changes the storage model for instances of that class. Instead of each object having a __dict__ for attribute storage, Python allocates space for a fixed set of attributes, as defined in __slots__. This approach reduces the memory overhead associated with each instance.

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Implementing `__slots__`

To use __slots__, you define it at the class level. The __slots__ attribute should be a list or tuple containing the names of the attributes you want to store in slots.

Here, MyClass instances will only have the name and age attributes, and attempts to add other attributes will result in an error.

Deep Dive into the Benefits of Using `__slots__`

  1. Memory Efficiency: The most significant benefit of using __slots__ is the reduction in memory overhead. This is particularly beneficial in applications where millions of instances are created, such as in large-scale data processing or simulations.
  2. Faster Attribute Access: Access to attributes in a class with __slots__ can be faster than in a regular class. This is because accessing an element in an array is typically faster than a dictionary lookup.
  3. Immutable Attributes: __slots__ can enforce immutability for certain attributes, preventing unintended modifications and enhancing code stability.

Limitations and Considerations

  • Inheritance Complexities: __slots__ in a base class do not get inherited by subclasses. Each subclass that requires slots must define its own __slots__. This can add complexity to class hierarchies.
  • Flexibility Trade-off: With __slots__, you lose the ability to dynamically add new attributes to instances, which is a trade-off against the memory savings.
  • Compatibility Issues: Some features of Python, like weak references, may not be compatible with __slots__.

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Inheriting from a Class with `__slots__`

Inheriting from a class with __slots__ requires careful planning. If a subclass also defines __slots__, its instances will only have slots for the attributes listed in its own __slots__, plus any non-overlapping slots in the base class.

This subclass will have slots for both the inherited attributes (name and age) and its own unique attribute (additional_attribute).

Combining `__slots__` with Property Decorators

Using __slots__ with property decorators can create powerful combinations, such as read-only attributes or computed properties that don’t consume additional memory.

In this example, name acts as a read-only attribute, and trying to set it will raise an AttributeError.


Q: Is it necessary to have a deep understanding of Python to use __slots__ effectively?
A: While basic knowledge of Python classes is sufficient to start using __slots__, a deeper understanding of Python’s memory model will help you make more informed decisions.

Q: Can __slots__ be used in conjunction with dynamic method addition?
A: Yes, __slots__ restricts only the dynamic addition of attributes. Methods can still be added dynamically.

Q: What are the risks associated with using __slots__ in Python?
A: The main risk lies in the loss of flexibility for dynamic attribute addition and potential issues with Python features that rely on the presence of a __dict__.

Q: How can I determine if __slots__ will be beneficial for my application?
A: Consider using __slots__ if your application creates many instances of a class and if memory footprint is a concern. Profiling memory usage before and after implementing __slots__ can provide concrete insights.

Q: How does __slots__ interact with Python’s multiple inheritance model?
A: __slots__ can be used with multiple inheritance, but it requires careful management to ensure that the slots in all parent classes are properly accounted for and do not conflict.

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