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String Slicing | Variables and Types
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Introduction to Python

String SlicingString Slicing

Great, now you've grasped how to pull out a single character from a string. But what if you want to grab several consecutive characters? Sure, you can pick them out individually, but that seems a tad tedious, doesn't it?

It sure does. To retrieve multiple characters in one go, you can use a technique called slicing. For this, employ square brackets and denote the beginning and end indices with a colon : in between. It's crucial to note that the end index isn't included. So, when you use [1:5], you're selecting characters at indices 1 through 4. Check out the example below.


As you'll notice, the end position is always one more than the last character's index you want to include. In the above example, there are 10 positions, but the final index is 9.


Don't forget that spaces count as characters and have their own indices. Refer to the example below for clarity.



Given the string "Python" saved in the language variable, your task is to extract the substrings "tho" and "on". To help, the indices for this string are outlined below.


Fill in the blanks to complete the task.

# Initial variable
language = "Python"
# Output the string parts

Clique ou arraste solte itens e preencha os espaços


Keep in mind that slicing does not include the final index. Therefore, when you use language[2:5], it includes the elements at indices 2, 3, and 4, but excludes the element at index 5.

Tudo estava claro?

Seção 2. Capítulo 10
course content

Conteúdo do Curso

Introduction to Python

String SlicingString Slicing

Great, now you've grasped how to pull out a single character from a string. But what if you want to grab several consecutive characters? Sure, you can pick them out individually, but that seems a tad tedious, doesn't it?

It sure does. To retrieve multiple characters in one go, you can use a technique called slicing. For this, employ square brackets and denote the beginning and end indices with a colon : in between. It's crucial to note that the end index isn't included. So, when you use [1:5], you're selecting characters at indices 1 through 4. Check out the example below.


As you'll notice, the end position is always one more than the last character's index you want to include. In the above example, there are 10 positions, but the final index is 9.


Don't forget that spaces count as characters and have their own indices. Refer to the example below for clarity.



Given the string "Python" saved in the language variable, your task is to extract the substrings "tho" and "on". To help, the indices for this string are outlined below.


Fill in the blanks to complete the task.

# Initial variable
language = "Python"
# Output the string parts

Clique ou arraste solte itens e preencha os espaços


Keep in mind that slicing does not include the final index. Therefore, when you use language[2:5], it includes the elements at indices 2, 3, and 4, but excludes the element at index 5.

Tudo estava claro?

Seção 2. Capítulo 10